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In May 1801, the pasha demanded an increase inthe tribute($83,000) which the U.S. government had been paying since 1796 for the protection of their commerce from piracy under the 1796 treaty with Tripoli. The demand was refused, and a naval force was sent from the US to blockade Tripoli. Whoever wrote the first answer is an idiot.

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11y ago

From 1801-1805, the United States fought its first war overseas against the Barbary States of North Africa. It's commonly known as the Tripolitan War, because the Pasha (ruler) of Tripoli incited the conflict when he demanded tribute from the newly elected Thomas Jefferson and his administration - a payment meant to "protect" merchant ships from piracy on the open seas - and America refused. This war is also called the First Barbary War or the Barbary Coast War.

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13y ago

Jefferson refused to increase the tribute that the Pasha were demanding which the U.S. government had been paying since 1796 for the protection of their commerce from piracy under the 1796 treaty with Tripoli by $83,000.

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9y ago

the united states ,too,had to pay tribute to the Barbary coast state. the ruler of Tripoli, how ever, did not think it was enough.

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14y ago

Jefferson refused to pay

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Q: Why did Tripoli declare war on the US?
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Which Barbary coast declare war on the us in 1801?


Why did Tripoli declare war on the US?

Tripoli declared war on the US in 1801 because the US refused to continue paying tribute money to the Barbary pirates, who were attacking American ships in the Mediterranean Sea. This led to the First Barbary War between the two countries.

Why did Tripoli declare war on United states?

the united states ,too,had to pay tribute to the Barbary coast state. the ruler of Tripoli, how ever, did not think it was enough.

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Tripoli declared war on the United States after the US refused to pay a bribe.

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" is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between [the US and Tripoli]."

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When the US refused to pay a bribe declared war on the US.?


When did the US fight a war with tripoli?

First Barbary War - 1801 to 1805

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When The Pasha of Tripoli [informally] declared war on the U.S.its probably when the pasha of tripoli declared war on the US, the US marine corps was established, the 'mosquito fleet' was defeated at tripoli, the army was disbanded, or the british blockaded the east coast.;]

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