Grant Wood is considered to be part of the Art Regionalist Movement--he painted things closer to home that he knew well, which for him meant Iowa.
I think that is the government
After years of owning India, Britain realized in was not feasible to keep India. It was costing money to defend a country that was not able to offer much in the form of resources.
He was a general in the U.S. Civil War and was later the president of the United States.
To finance a campaign
nobody cant find it
Th3 anSw3r iS CHaRT3rs (charters) Y0uR w3lc0m3!!!!!!!!
king james
to regulate intrastate trade, as allow by the constitution
The brown charters grew so high it melted the pillow cases surrounding the aliens who jumped from the rainbow
Th3 anSw3r iS CHaRT3rs (charters) Y0uR w3lc0m3!!!!!!!!
Charters were like a contract. A King could grant a charter to a group of people, or just one person, to establish a colony in the name of Great Britain. There were certain terms that made up the charter and it was a legal document. Charters were also given to Joint Stock Companies, like the Virginia Company, which also established colonies to make money. Some charters granted the colonists political rights in their colonies. The Declaration claimed that the King was taking the legal charters away from the colonists, thus making them subject to the Crown rule without any representation in the government of the colony.
W. Grant Bremner has written: 'Compilation of classical composers from the 2nd. to the 20th. century'
a charter is a document that is given by the government to an individual to start a project or a grant. An example would be the Virginia joint stock company gave a charter to explorers to start Jamestown colony in 1706