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Lists of Japanese cities eligible to bet A-bomb targets were made up by Leslie Groves for the Secretary of War Stimson. Groves wanted cities that had not been heavily damaged by U.S. B29 raids so that the level of damage created by the A-bomb could be accurately studied. Stimson wanted to spare cities that had great cultural value (that dropped Kyoto off the list). Hiroshima & Nagasaki fit the above categories and had some token military facilities to help validate them being used as targets.

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Q: Why did they choose those two cities to drop the atomic bombs on?
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How fast was the world's first speed limit?

Some ancient cities had limits to the speed horses and chariots could move within those cities. Usually walking pace, which is about four mile per hour. This was also the case in some countries when engine driven vehicles were introduced. Someone had to walk in front of the vehicle with a flag or lantern.

What professions are good for someone with a history degree?

Majoring in History? There are many professions which a graduate can choose from. Working in a museum offers wonderful opportunities for those who crave hands-on experience, while teaching gives the individual the ability to share their knowledge.

How were people that lived far away from the big cities able to stay up with current fashions and trends?

Through diffusion of pop culture, people in the suburbs, or those that live farther away from big cities were able to receive these current trends. But most likely by the time they got it, it was too late and that trend already passed. Earlier in history, they were able to stay current through mail order catalogs.

Who was the father of Canada?

The list of the founding fathers of Canada, actually referred to as the Fathers of Confederation, can be found at this site. It also includes the province they represented and their year of birth and death, as well as the conferences they participated in which preceded confederation.

How did Enclosure lead to people moving into the cities?

When land owners in England enclosed their lands by erecting fenses and walls, they established greater control over who could use those lands. As a result, many people who had been infomrally using or living there were forced off. Being forced out of their homes and off the lands they had cultivated, they had to go somewhere and since other lands were not available (the other land owners were doing the same thing) the only place they could go was to the cities.

Related questions

Atomic bombs were dropped on the japanese cities of Nagasaki and tokyo?

Those bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the 6 and 9 1945.

What Happened in the towns of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945?

They both were atomic bombed by The United Sates of America.

What are the negative weiwpoint's to dropping the atomic bomb?

Now those two cities have radioactivity in them since the bombs were dropped.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were countries of japan?

The 2 cities in Japan on which the atomic bombs were dropped in World War II.

How was the hiroshima and nagaski deployed?

Those cities were never deployed. They stayed still even with the atomic bombs dropped over them.

What is the importance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in world war 2?

With the atomic bombs dropped over those cities, the war ended.

Where was the battle of Nagasaki and Hiroschima?

There was no battle per-se, in those cities of Japan, the US drooped atomic bombs resulting with the end of the war.

How did the atomic bomb help prepare for the war?

The atomic bombs did not prepare for war, those bombs were the end of the war.

Were the atomic bombs dropped in a war?

Those bombs were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What bombs were used in world war?

Atomic bombs. And some grenades... but, really, once you drop a nuke nothing else really matters. Really? The 500 to 1000 plane firebombing raids on Japan killed more people per raid than either atomic bomb, and several of those raids happened every night. They threatened to eliminate potential atomic bomb target cities faster than the atomic bombs could be built. A special list of cities reserved as atomic bomb targets had to be prepared to prevent this!

Where did the us dropped the atomic bomb?

In WW2 two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan to force surrender: on the cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. 21 more were scheduled for production and delivery in 1945 if those two did not force Japan to surrender.

What did the atomic bomb destroy?

Those bombs were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.