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The war was far away and America thought it best to sort out its own problems first. It was a new state after all.

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Q: Why stay neutral in the French Revolution?
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What actions do you think the US government should take during the French Revolution?

The Government chose to stay neutral and not aid with the French Revolution, due to its own internal conflicts such as sectionalism and slavery.

What warnings did Washington give in his farewell address?

I believe he said not to get mixed up into political parties and to stay neutral in the French Revolution. -Matt

Why was it hard to stay neutral during the French Revolution?

While it was a divisive issue, many followed Washington's admonition to avoid meddling in European affairs.

The start of the french Revolution caused the republicans in the US to?

According to Historians, since the onset of the French Revolution the U.S. Republican Party wanted to remain neutral from the conflict and keep their alliance with the French.

How did the US government feel about the french revolution?

The U.S. government was against going into the French Revolution because they had just gotten out of a war, and the government also wanted to remain neutral.

What was the agreement in which the US would remain neutral, or not take a side in the the French Revolution?

The Proclamation of Neutrality

What does president Washington decide to do about the French Revolution?

He decided to stay neutral and not help the French because America was still a new country, who didn't have enough money, and could barley stand on its own two feet, let alone go into another war.

Who wanted things to stay the same in the French Revolution?

That group is termed the Royalists.

Why was it difficult for the US to remain neutral during the french revolution french?

America had just finished its fight for freedom and did not have the resources to go to war in Europe.

Why was it difficult for the United States to remain neutral during the french revolution?

He saw the rebellionas a threat to the new government's authority.

Why was it difficult for the United states remain neutral during the French Revolution?

He saw the rebellionas a threat to the new government's authority.

Why did the US avoid the excesses of the French Revolution?

The desire to stay out of the entangling aliances of France and England