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Henry made his intentions clear and Cromwell devised the Document. Henry want all Englishman to sign an oath recognizing him as head of the church. The pope was simply called: The Bishop of Rome. Allegiance to Rome was broken.

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13y ago

The Act of Sumpremacy of 1534 was an act that announced King Henry VIII the head of England and the Church. The Catholics are outraged because King Henry VIII was a very unmoral man. He was obsessed with centralization and having a son for the heir of his throne. Therefore, he married his sisterinlaw Catherine. They had a daughter, Mary (who is known as Bloody Mary). He was mad they had a girl and fell infatuated with Anne Boin. She said that she wouldn't have sex with him unless he married her, then she would bore him a son. So he went to the Pope and asked for ann annultment. The pope wouldn't give him, so Henry rid of Catherine and Mary. He then secretly marries Bolin in 1953. Then have a baby girl, and he is excommunicated.

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12y ago

it was passed to help Henry8 to divorse her wife Cathrine of Arogan,because he wanted a male heir,also to establish religouis independence from the Roman church.

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11y ago

cus it was

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Q: Why was the act of supremacy passed in 1534?
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When did the parliament pass the act of supremacy?

in 1534

When did King Henry VIII form the Church of England?

Henry VIII founded the church of England in 1534 after he broke away from the Catholic Church. Henry wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon but the Pope refused. Therefore Henry denounced Catholicism and passed the Act of Supremacy in 1534 CE.

Who signed the act of supremacy?

Henry-VIII King of England (1534)making all further rulers the supreme head of the Church of England

When did Henry VIII break from the Catholic Church?

Henry VIII of England broke from the Catholic Church in 1534 when the Act of Supremacy was passed which declared that the King of England was "the only Supreme Head in Earth of the Church of England". The Treasons Act 1534 declared it to be high treason (punishable by death) to refuse to acknowledge the King as such.

How did kind Henry viii deverly get parliament to agree with his act of supremacy in 1534?

Well if they refused they were imprisoned and all land, property, and goods went to the crown. They were then executed.

What is the Act of Supremacy?

(1534) English act of Parliament that recognized Henry VIII as the "Supreme Head of the Church of England." The act also required an oath of loyalty from English subjects that recognized his marriage to Anne Boleyn. It was repealed in 1555 under Mary I, but in 1559 Parliament adopted a new Act of Supremacy during the reign of Elizabeth I. Source:

In what year did the Church of England established?

Henry viii completed the oath of supremacy by 1534.

What official measure made the king instead of the Pope the head of the English Church?

The official measure that made the King the head of the English Church was the Act of Supremacy, which was passed by the English Parliament in 1534. This act declared King Henry VIII as the supreme head of the Church of England and separated the English Church from the authority of the Pope in Rome.

What happened just before the british history in 1550-1650?

Just prior to 1550 in English history, in 1534, Henry VIII passed the Act of Supremacy which made Henry VIII the head of not only England but also the Church of England. The Treasons Act 1534 was also passed the same year. In 1535, John Fisher and Thomas Moore were executed. In 1536, William Tindale was executed. In 1547 Edward VI was crowned King of England. In 1549 the Prayer Book rebellion took place. This was a rebellion that ultimately ended in the suppression of the rebelling forces, after the Common Book of Prayer was introduced and highly unpopular.

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During the rein of King Henry VIII, parliament passed the first Act of Supremacy. This act declared Henry VIII supreme head of the Church of England. This separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church of which the pope was leader.

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In the reign of Edward III what was the predominant religion?

During the reign of Edward III (1312 to 1377), the principle religion in England was Roman Catholicism. It was not until the Act of Supremacy in 1534 that the Church of England split from the Roman Catholic Church, installing the King as the head of the Church.