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they adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

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Q: Why was the concept of one world or the unificaton of all people important in Persia?
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Why was the concept of the world or the unification of all people important to Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

What was the concept of one world or the unification of all people important or Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures which made it easier to maintain control of their vast Empire

Why was the concept of ''One World'' or the unification of all people important Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

Why was the concept of one world or. The unification. Of all people. Important. To Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

Why was the concept of one world or the unification of all the people important to Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

Why was the concept of One World or the unification of all people important to Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

Why was the concept of the one world or the unifiactioof all people important to Persia?

One World is a dream which doesn't work today, much less back then. However unification of people was indeed important to them, and the purpose of their empire was just that.

Why was the one concept of One World or the unification of all people important to Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

Why was the concept of one world world or the unification of all people important to Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

What was one concept of one world or the unification of all people important to Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures which made it easier to maintain control of their vast Empire

Why was the concept of One World or unification of all people important of Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.

Why was the concept of one world or the unification of all the people import to Persia?

They adopted the customs of other cultures, which made it easier to maintain control of their vast empire.