They suffered by being whipped and starved.
cotton and slaves cotton and slaves cotton and slaves cotton and slaves cotton and slaves
If you mean slaves in the US, the answer is Africa.
27million slaves are in the world
Most slaves are from West Africa.
they we're getting starved- & beat, and it was not a happy time.
They suffered by being whipped and starved.
Gassed, shot or they just starved to death. Others were used as slaves.
The Czars spent money on palaces and themselves while their people starved and were treated as slaves.
It was, the slaves were sold and bought like objects, they could not object they were often worked to death or starved.
Slaves ate ice because they did not have much to eat except for small rations of food.If they did not eat ice they could starve. {some still starved though}
They didn't eat anything for the whole journey. they were starved or got a little piece of bread.
When slaves refused to work, they often faced severe punishment, such as physical abuse, torture, or even death. Slaves were typically forced through coercion and fear to comply with their masters' orders.
Horrible. About 1/3 of slaves died. Lots were tortured and barely had room to breathe. They were whipped and starved.
They beat them with whips, forced them to work, and punished them even when they are doing their best. They got little food and was often starved. They treated them poorly basically.
What countries have people who are starved?
they ate alot of people grown in the farms.