It all started because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. This caused a ruckus and World War 1 began.
Allied forces won World War 1
Yes, The ALlies powers won WWI against the Central powers and WWII against the Axis Powers.
The Central Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The Allied Powers were Britain (with its empire), France, Russia, Italy, the US and Japan.
2; The allied forces and the central powers.
central powers
In world war 1 the allied powers were fighting against the central powers
Australia was one of the main Allied powers fighting against Germany in WW2Australia was one of the main Allied powers fighting against Germany in WW2
Germsny and the Axis
the countries who fought together against the Central Powers in World War
Yes. The Nazi's were part of what was called the Axis powers.
It was allied powers vs. central powers It started off as the Germans (central powers) fighting the Russians and the French (both allied powers). Britain jumped in as another allied power, along with Prussia, Austro-Hungary, and Bulgaria jumping in as central powers. Eventually, Russia dropped out via the treaty of brest-litovsk, and America also joined the fight for the allied powers. Italy started out as a central power, but it never fought, and switched to the allied powers near the wars end. So it ended up being Germany, Prussia, Austro-Hungary, and Bulgaria fighting against America, Britain, France, Russia.
The allied powers did not push the Central powers out of France. The Central powers only left after the armistice.
They were fighting against Nazi control of the European mainland as well as against Japanese influence within the Pacific theatres of war .
No, Italy did not switch to the Central Powers. Italy switched from the Central Powers to the Allied Powers.
allied powers got more
Japan did not join the Central powers, it joined the allied powers.
Central Powers= They are the countries that are fighting in the war. Neutral powers= They are not involved in the fighting