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Because they all wanted to use the restroom but there was only 1 toilet but it belonged to the germans.


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Q: Why were the french suspicious of German expansion prior to World War 1?
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What factors in Europe lead to world war 2?

German expansion.

Does France Germany and the Netherlands have anything in common?

German is pne of the main languages used by the dutch. and they all had a part in world war 2. Which was mostly caused by the French's actions at the end of world war one. World war one was partially caused by the effect the French leader Napolean had on Europe after his bit of empire expansion.

How did nationalism in Austria affect German expansion before World War 2?

Answer this question… It resulted in little Austrian opposition to the German annexation of Austria.

What was the impact of the French and Indian war?

It meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World.

What did Hitler do about World War 2 in Germany?

Hitlre's militancy and desire for German expansion created the conditions for the start of WWII.

What was the French Resistance?

Very brave French people during World War II who sabotaged the German war effort.

What was the primary impact of the French and Indian war?

It meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World.

Who was the leader of the German controlled French government in World War 2?

Maréchal Pétain

Until World War 1 what was French toast called in the US?

German toast

What is more popular language French or German?

French is generally more popular than German, as it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and widely used in international organizations. German is prominent as well, especially in Europe, but French has a larger global reach.

Why was appeasement an ineffective strategy for dealing with German expansion before World War 2?

Answer this question… German leaders would not settle for controlling only parts of the territories they wanted.

In which countries of western Europe are both french and German spoken?

French and German are both official languages in Switzerland (along with Italian), Belgium (along with Dutch) and Luxembourg (along with Luxembourgish). But in most countries in Western Europe, or the world for that matter, there are people who speak French and people who speak German (either in a large population or small).