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When you turn 17 in Michigan, you can not really do much of anything. When a person turns 18 in Michigan they can quit school and move out of their parents home.

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No, you have to be 18 for that.

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Q: Are you a legal adult at 17 in Michigan?
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Michigan's Official Adult Age?

Hi, I live in Michigan and the legal adult age is 17.

Can a 17 year old boy sign legal documents in the state of Michigan?

No, they are not an adult. Until they are 18, they cannot contract or sign a legally binding document.

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What age can a minor move out in Michigan?

The legal age for a child to move out without parental consent in Michigan is 18. You can move out earlier if you are legally emancipated. At the age of 17, in Michigan, a person can be prosecuted as an adult in a court of law.

Are there any legal obligations for parents of 19 year old children in Michigan?

No, 18 is legal age of an adult.

What is the legal age to leave fostercare in Michigan?

17 years old.

What a the rights of a 17 year old in Michigan?

In Michigan, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and is not legally considered an adult. They have some legal rights, such as the ability to consent to certain medical treatments, access certain public services, and work with a restricted working hours limit. However, they do not have all the rights of an adult, such as the ability to enter into contracts or vote.

What is the legal age of adult in Michigan?

The legal age of adulthood in Michigan is 18 years old. At this age, individuals are considered legal adults and have certain rights and responsibilities, such as voting and entering into contracts.

Can you move out and are you considered an adult when you're 17 and live in Michigan?

The legal age of an adult in Michigan is 17 not 18 as most believe.AnswerIn MI, the age of majority (the age at which you are considered to be an adult) is 18. Anyone under that age, who has not been emancipated, is considered to be a minor and is under the control and authority of their parents. Michigan does allow a person who is at least 16 to petition for emancipation. However, one of the requirements is: "the minor's parent or guardian does not object to the petition; or if a parent or guardian objects to the petition, that the objecting parent or guardian is not providing the minor with support"

Can you be 17 and a half to be an adult in state of California?

You become a legal adult on the day you turn 18.

Are you considered a legal adult at the age of 17 in the state of louisiana?

No, the legal age of adulthood in Louisiana is 18. At 17, individuals are still considered minors and have limitations on certain rights and responsibilities.