Giuseppe Ayala was born in 1945.
In the Polk County correctional where he is currently serving 3 consecutive life sentences.
Jorge "Rivi" Rivera / Ayala is very much alive. He is currently being detained at the Polk C.I. He is sentenced to LIfe and began he sentence in 1999.
Jorge Eliécer Gaitán Ayala died on 1948-04-09.
Jorge Eliécer Gaitán Ayala was born on 1903-01-23.
Jorge has 2 kids.
Stefania Rivi's birth name is Vita Stefania Rivi.
Stefania Rivi goes by SR, Riva, Stefana, and Rivi Regina.
Stefania Rivi was born in 1982, in Rome, Lazio, Italy.
The cast of Cine y Universidad - 2011 includes: Jorge Ayala Blanco as himself Alfredo Joskowicz as himself
I think you mean Fred Ayala? Fred Ayala is Francisco Ayala's brother and Luis Ayala's cousin. That's all I know.