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Q: What continent do kids get a six week vacation?
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What continent do kids get a six week vacation from school?

There's no continent where this is a set policy among all governments, so I'll assume you meant "country." In the United Kingdom, Germany, and many other European countries, many schools have six-week breaks, which is somewhat controversial; many parents, teachers, and politicians feel that the break is too long. In the United States, however, summer break is even longer, averaging around 10-11 weeks. Of course, private schools often set much shorter breaks, and some public school districts have implemented shorter breaks to try to minimize the downtime between learning sessions.

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A continent typically moves about six centimeters each year. So in 100 years, a continent will have moved six meters.

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yes t.i. has six kids it says on his show

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Yes he had six kids

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Yes, Mozart had kids. He had six kids in all.

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I am not pretty sure but i guess i have read somewhere that he had six kids

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People worked six or seven days a week.

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six kids

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how many days in a week have more then six letters in them

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Yes,he had six kids total.