The world dealers Is believed to be known as drug dealing. 78% of Cambodian feel the need to sell or intake illegal drugs. This is because when the Vietnam War began a lot of soldiers tried a drug science project on close neighbors Cambodia. They injected them with an addiction to drugs. It is scientifically believed children now have the urge to sell and intake. Recent studies have been corrected because recent incidents of Cambodian children dealing. NDS (National Drug Studies) have proved this theory correct and the real problem was because of the Vietnamese.
The country with the highest female circumcision rate is Egypt.
It is difficult to determine which country has the highest rate for child abandonment as comprehensive data is often lacking and varies among countries. However, some countries with high rates of child abandonment include China, Russia, Romania, and parts of Africa. Factors contributing to child abandonment can include poverty, social stigma, lack of support systems, and cultural beliefs.
According to a web search on Google China has the largest armed force. Interstingly, Burma has the highest rate of child recruitment for the military.
I believe Georgia has the highest literacy rate and Cuba has the second highest. :D
Iceland has a crime rate of 14, 726.95 reported criminals every 100,000 citizens which is the highest reported to this day
the country with the highest total fertility rate is Nigeria, Africa.
Zambia on the continent of Africa has the highest rate of AIDS and % infected.