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A calf can be sold when he is only a day or two old. But this is highly unrecommended, because of the high stress these baby calves go through, which can lead to sickness, injury and even death. A calf that has been weaned off the bottle at 3 months of age has a better chance of surviving his ordeal at the stockyards than a two day-old calf. Six month old calves that have been weaned off their mothers have an even better chance than 3-month old or two-day old calves do. So it all depends on when you want to sell, if you have the heart to let them go.

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Q: When is the earliest age you can sell a calf at auction?
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How much can you sell a calf for?

That all depends on the age, weight, condition and type (beef or dairy) of calf. Are you referring to baby bottle calves, or feeder beef calves that have been weaned? It is that kind of information that is needed to be able to answer this question. A bottle calf can be sold for as little as $10, and a beef calf that has been weaned that weighs around 600 lbs may go for as much as $500 to $800 (sometimes more) depending on current prices.

Can a calf have hey?

No, but it can have hay. Hay can be given to a calf at any age.

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The earliest age that you can retire is at 62 years old.

What appearances should you look for to judge the age of a calf?

Look for how much the calf has filled out in its frame, body to leg-height ratio, and weight gain. You can also look at a calf's teeth to tell its age.

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How can you tell if a baby calf is barren?

A baby calf is just that: a baby, not an animal that is able to breed yet. Calves are only able to breed by the time they are around 15 months of age, and at that age they have lost their calf stage.

Do cows have bulls for babies?

Yes. The only thing is that this "bull" is actually called a bull calf: the "calf" part of "bull" is dropped after the calf reaches around yearling age (~9 to 10 months of age). A cow has just as much of a chance of giving birth to a bull calf as a heifer calf. The sex or gender of her calf is determined by the sperm of the bull she was bred to, not the cow herself.

Will the bull kill the calf if left in the herd?

What calf? Is this calf this bull calf you are concerned about in other different questions, or another calf altogether? Most cases a bull won't hurt nor kill a calf that is even male or around 4 months of age.

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Any age

What is age is veal considered?

Usually veal (calf) is 22-26 weeks of age.