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Q: A snake has to swallow things whole because it can not chew true or false?
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A snake has to swallow things whole because it can't chew true or false?


A snake has to swallow things whole because it can not chew?

That is true.

How can a thin snake swallow a fat rat?

Because a snake has no bones.

How can a snake swallow a fat rat?

Snake have much experiences eat potato. In Latvia there is no potato for human because much snake have eat first. This why we all die of starve. Because potato history, snake can many big things eat. Unfortunate, is cost to us. Potato make snake mouth very stretch, allow much room for fit. But is also make us very sads.

Does a snake have to swallow things whole?

Yes - simply because they lack the teeth, and jaw movement necessary to chew their food before swallowing.

Swallowed by a snake?

Well I think it cant swallow an elephant because ellephant can kill snake easy

Dose snake drinks water?

no . it cannot , because it can only swallow it cannot sip

How do snake?

They swallow their prey whole.

Name the snake that can swallow a crocodile?

An anaconda can swallow pretty much anything...

How can a snake swallow a whole human?

If the snake is big enough it will just unhinge its jaws

Is the snake a consumer or a decomposer?

The snake is a consumer because the snake eats other living things to get the energy and nutrients it needs.:)

What does a snake do when it get its prey?

Well, it depends on what kind of snake you are talking about. Usually, snakes swallow their prey whole.