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increase in frequency

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Q: According to modern evolutionary theory genes responsible for new traits that help a species survive in a particular environment will usually?
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Which evolutionary factors are responsible for the periods of relative stasis?

The environment, of course. A stable environment and there is no selection pressure on the organism so stasis results. ( according to punctuated equilibrium )

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Behaviors that produce reproductive success are genetically predisposed according to evolutionary psychologists.

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The pattern described by the theory of punctuated equilibrium is that bursts of evolutionary activity are followed by long periods of stability.

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According to the evolutionary theory, life is believed to have begun around 3.5 to 4 billion years ago with the emergence of simple single-celled organisms such as bacteria. These early life forms eventually evolved and diversified into more complex organisms over millions of years.

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Present- day taxonomists attempt to group organisms according to what?

Present-day taxonomists attempt to group organisms according to their evolutionary relationships, genetic similarities, and shared characteristics. This helps to organize and classify living organisms into hierarchical categories based on their shared ancestry and unique characteristics.