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white SunnyFilly on brown server

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Im Gotland on Brown server

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Q: An equine coloring and yet not a color Without light likely visible at night?
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How do you spell zeber?

The likely word is zebra (striped equine).

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How does food coloring effect a salt crystals growth?

Yes it does the food coloring makes the salt crystals stronger and less likely to dissolve.

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Does the gelderlander horse eat grass and hay?

I'm not familiar with this breed but if it is equine it most likely eats grass and hay.

Which is cheaper to keep a donkey cow or Falabella horse?

Most likely it would be the Falabella horse as it is the smallest and will therefore eat the least. They likely would not require shoes, and typically equine veterinarians and farriers will charge less for the care of a small equine such as a miniature or Falabella. They also require less space then a donkey or cow.

What food has colories in it?

All food has calories. Processed food is most likely to have coloring additives.

When was food coloring discovered?

Archaeologists believe food colors likely emerged around 1500BC in Egypt.

What is twisted guts for horses?

'Twisted gut' is a term used when a horses intestines have moved inside them and twisted. this causes a lack of blood flow and stops the digestive process. A horse who has 'torsion' colic needs a equine veterinarian immediately as it can and will likely die without surgery.

What sedimentary rock is most likely to have a fossil?

Coquina is the sedimentary rock most likely to contain visible fossils.

What is in red licorice that causes hives?

most likely it is the red dye food coloring that is added to make it red

Does red food coloring affect the taste or consistency of freezer jams?

No. You will more than likely only be using a few drops of food coloring, which isn't enough to change texture or taste in freezer jams.