

Are meerkats mammals

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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Meerkats are mammals related to the mongoose.

The name may come from the Hindi "markat" (ape) or the Dutch "meer kat" meaning more cat as the original srttlers thought the animals were more cat than dog.

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Yes.They sleep in burrows

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Q: Are meerkats mammals
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How do meerkats produce their young?

Meerkats are placental mammals with a gestation period of around 70 days.

Do meerkats from eggs?

No. Meerkats are placental mammals, meaning they give birth to live young. The only egg-laying mammals (monotremes) are platypuses and echidnas.

How do meerkats excrete?

The excretory system of meerkats is similar to that of other mammals. They have kidneys and a urinary bladder, and their urine is liquid.

What coulour are meerkats eggs?

They don't have eggs. They are mammals and have their pups alive.

What is the baby name of a meerkat?

A baby meerkat is called a pup. Meerkats are mammals that are in the mongoose family. They can be found in Africa.

Do meerkats have babies?

Yes. They have baby meerkats. (There are only two mammals in the world that lay eggs, the Platypus and the Echidna). Baby meerkats are called "pups" and they usually have a litter of up to five pups. Three tends to be the most common number of births.

Do meerkets kill?

meerkats kill scorpions, they brake eggs, small mammals,birds,small snakes

Are meerkats warm blooded?

Meerkats are not cold blooded. They use endothermic methods, such as shivering and sweating to keep their body temperature at a constant rate and are therefore warm blooded animals.

How do you spell mirorcats?

The likely word is meerkats, which are not cats but burrowing mammals of the mongoose family. They live in the deserts of southern Africa.

Is a meerkat an invertebrate?

Meerkats are vertebrate, because they are mammals. You can tell because they are warm blooded, have hair, breathe oxygen, and give birth without eggs. They also reproduce sexually.=============================================================================The vertebrates are all the animals with BACKBONES. That is fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

Why are meerkats meerkats?

they aren't endangered.

Are meerkats predators?

Meerkats eat insects, and are therefore called insectivores. However, their diet is not limited to insects, they are known to eat lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, plants, eggs, small mammals, millipedes, centipedes and even small birds. They are predators, because they prey on these living creatures.