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Q: Are the chordae tendinae and papillary muscles in a pig's heart?
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What are equiped with the chordae tendinea and papillary muscles?

The heart valves are attached to the chordae tendinae and papillary muscles which function to open the valves.

Structure from which chordae tendineae originate?

Chordae tendinae is attached to papillary muscle and the valves.

Function of heart strings?

They connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve in the heart. also i like bananas :)

What structures works to prevent prolapse of the atrioventricular valves?

The papillary muscles and the chordae tendinae work to prevent prolapse of the AV valves. This prevents backflow of blood in the heart.

What tissue makes up the chordae tendinae?

The chordae tendinae are composed of dense connective tissue called collagen. This collagen tissue provides strength and stability to the chordae tendinae, which are fibrous cords that connect the valves of the heart to the papillary muscles in the ventricles.

What is the role of the chordea tendineae?

The role of the chordae tendinae (or heart strings) hold the positions of the flaps from the valves (tricuspid and the bicuspid/mitral valve) they basically help with preventing the backward flow of blood. The tendinae are attached to the valves and the papillary muscles :)

What is connected to the chordae tendineae?

The papillary muscles and cusps of the heart valves.

What are the fibrous threads connecting the AV valves to muscles in the heart wall?

Chordae Tendinae

Where is the Chordae tendinae situated?

The chordae tendinae is situated in the heart. They control the valves which pumps blood through the heart

What are heart strings?

Heart strings (scientific name chordae tendinae) are located in the heart. They are believed to brace and support the heart.

What is tendieae?

i think you mean chordae tendineae, they connect the papillary muscles to the heart valves

What are the white strings in a human heart function?

Scientifically known as Chordinae Tendinae, these are tendons responsible for linking the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve in the right ventricle and the mitral valve in the left ventricle. As the papillary muscles contract and relax, the chordae tendineae transmit the resulting increase and decrease in tension to the respective valves, causing them to open and close.