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That is how they are designed, the have powerful backlegs that get them so far.

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at an altitude of 12000ft frogs cannot breath.

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12y ago

12 To 13 Feet.

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Not in a single leap.

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Q: Can a six inch frog jump over 100 feet?
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How far can a frog hop?

It all depends on the frog. Some frogs can jump 2 inches, some can jump 5 feet. A typical frog can jump almost a yard at a time. The South American tree frog can jump over 20 times its body length, which is 1.2 meters. it maters how big it is

Why is the Goliath Frog able to jump so far?

It has very long and muscular legs. The frog is the biggest in the World, and it is fitting that it is very strong and muscular. The frog can grow over a foot in length. The frog can jump around ten feet and maybe a bit more for a bigger species.

How far would a flea and a frog jump if combined?

Well, if humans could jump as high as a flea, they could jump over the empire state building. So given that frogs are about 1/10th the size of a human, if a frog could jump as high as a flea, they could probably jump 1/10th of the empire state building, or about 125 feet high.

Why a frog's hind legs are stronger than its front legs?

The back legs are webbed because they are stronger. a frog uses its back legs to jump, and to swim. they hardly use front feet for swimming.

How do you jump like a frog?

you bend over like your trying to touch your toes but instead put your hands on ground about 2 to 3 feet in front of our feet then you bend your knees for enhances your distance then you spring as far as possible or you squat down and put your arms between your legs and jump!

If you could do a high jump at 2.5 meters about how many feet did you jump?

A little over eight feet.

How do you jump on a rock?

With over 9000 feet.

Can a kanagroo jump over a car?

it can if it jumped over 50 feet

How high can a Bengal cat jump?

6 to 12 feet high. It can jump over me!

Can vince carter jump 50 inch?

He could jump 50 inches but one time when he was on team USA he jump over a 7'2 guy

How high do foxes jump?

Foxes can jump at least 4 feet. This is why certain fences will not keep them out. Some foxes can jump as high as 6 feet.

What is 244cm in feet and inches?

Less than an inch over 8 feet.