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Technically, yes, but kitten milk replacer is high in fats so you may be better off giving your adult cat a different milk replacer not intended for kittens. We use Whiskas CatMilk for an occasional treat - you can find it at Petsmart.

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12y ago

No. That is the simply answer. Cow milk is simply to fatty for them and tends to cause diarrhea in kittens and cats. If the kitten is too young to eat solid food, then you will need to go to your local pet store and purchase liquid or powder kitten milk replacer and feed through a bottle every 2-3 hours at room temperature.

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Yes, you can.

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Q: Can cats that aren't kittens have kitten milk?
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What do kittens drink when away from their mom?

If very young, they should drink specially formulated kitten milk for pre-weaned kittens. A vet will be able to supply some. Weaned kittens should only drink water, with kitten or cat milk as a treat. Never feed kittens or cats cow's milk as this often causes diarrhoea.

Is it ok to feed a 4 week old kitten that lost its mother can milk?

NO! Cats are lactose intolerant and "real" milk will cause LOTS of dogestive issues, especially in young kittens. You need to be bottle feeding the kitten KMR (kitten milk replacement).

Is it okay to feed a kitten cream?

Never. Cats and kittens should never be fed cow's milk or cream. Many cats are lactose intolerant and can become sick - which is incredibly dangerous in a young kitten. If you wish to treat a kitten to some milk, buy some specially formulated kitten milk which can be found in most pet stores. These are completely safe to give to your kitten.

Is whiska cat milk bad or good for cats and kittens?

No. Whiska cat milk is bad for kittens, my cousin's cat got really sick from it. Using any other milk is fine, just not too much. I personaly have raised many kittens usuing catsip and cat milk and it is better for them than cows milk many cats have problems with the amount of lactose that is in cows milk. I have never had a cat or kitten get sick from using cat milk.

What is cat milk?

Cat milk is often milk that has the lactose removed, or goat milk. Both are packaged into bottles or cartons and are safe for cats to drink. Cat and kitten milk often have added vitamins and other nutrients, which is especially good for growing kittens.

Related questions

What do kittens drink when away from their mom?

If very young, they should drink specially formulated kitten milk for pre-weaned kittens. A vet will be able to supply some. Weaned kittens should only drink water, with kitten or cat milk as a treat. Never feed kittens or cats cow's milk as this often causes diarrhoea.

Can you give a newborn kitten a whole milk?

No. Cow's milk should never be given to cats, especially young kittens. Cats cannot digest the lactose in cow's milk and can cause diarrhoea, which can be a major health risk for young kittens as they can die of dehydration very quickly. Kittens need their mother's milk, or if the kitten is an orphan, you can either find another nursing cat who can take one one more mouth to feed or take on the challenging task of bottle feeding it. Special kitten formula such as KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) can be bought from your local vet.

How do you stimulate cats milk?

One thing you can do to simulate cat milk is to go to your local pet store and buy kitten formula and a bottle for kittens.

How often do you give a kitten or a cat milk?

It depends.. The age of the kitten is important.. Kittens can get milk.. it just depends on how old they are. 3 months is the right time you can feed them milk if they are suppoted on their mother's milk. However.. if the kitten does not have a mother, it is encourged that they are to have milk. You are welcome!! -Amber <><><><> Many cats and kittens have trouble digesting cow's milk- upset tummy. There are milk replacements you can get from a vet if you need to nurse an orphan kitten- but would pass on cow's milk. Remember, they are kittens, not calves.

Is it ok to feed a 4 week old kitten that lost its mother can milk?

NO! Cats are lactose intolerant and "real" milk will cause LOTS of dogestive issues, especially in young kittens. You need to be bottle feeding the kitten KMR (kitten milk replacement).

Is it okay to feed a kitten cream?

Never. Cats and kittens should never be fed cow's milk or cream. Many cats are lactose intolerant and can become sick - which is incredibly dangerous in a young kitten. If you wish to treat a kitten to some milk, buy some specially formulated kitten milk which can be found in most pet stores. These are completely safe to give to your kitten.

How long the cats milk stays after all kittens dead?

The queen's milk should dry up within a week or so after the last kitten stopped nursing.

Can you add water to whole milk to give to a kitten?

Cow's milk shouldn't really be given to kittens. Cats and kittens are lactose intolerant, which means that cannot digest it very well and can cause diarrhea. A kitten with diarrhea will get dehydrated very quickly and if left untreated can become fatal. If you wish to give your kitten some milk, most stores now stock specially formulated cat or kitten milk which has no lactose in and is safe to drink.

Can mother cats have milk?

yesADD:Does the question mean "can you give milk to mother cats for them to drink?" or "do mother cats produce milk?"To the first, it is never a good idea to give a cat cow's milk; many cats are lactose intolerant and can get sick from drinking it. This could be very dangerous to the mother cat and her kittens.To the second, yes, healthy mother cats will produce milk for the kittens. If the mother is struggling or not producing enough, you need to get some Kitten Milk Replacer and bottles from your vet to help the kittens get enough food.

Can kittens have milk and soilds?

This solely depends on what age the kitten is. A kitten usually starts weaning off its mother's milk around 4 weeks of age, and will start to eat very soft or mushy solids. They will also drink milk, either from their mother or kitten milk (do not use cow's milk as many cats are lactose intolerant and get stomach upsets, which for a young kitten can be fatal).

Is whiska cat milk bad or good for cats and kittens?

No. Whiska cat milk is bad for kittens, my cousin's cat got really sick from it. Using any other milk is fine, just not too much. I personaly have raised many kittens usuing catsip and cat milk and it is better for them than cows milk many cats have problems with the amount of lactose that is in cows milk. I have never had a cat or kitten get sick from using cat milk.

Can you give your four month old kittens milk?

No, in fact cats in general should not drink milk. They do not have the enzyme needed to properly process milk in their digestive systems, so it usually just causes stomach upset and diarrhea.