

Can horses feel from their hooves?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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A horse's hooves are like your fingernail. It doesn't hurt to cut them, but if you tear it or it is otherwise damaged, you can feel pain where the nail attaches to your skin. Horses' feet need to be kept clean so the sensitive inside of their foot isn't damaged through the sole by a stone or other foreign object.

Horses wear shoes to protect their feet from damage, not pain. Damage to the hoof wall, frog or sole will sometimes result in pain, but not always.

yes, very much. that's why they wear horse shoes, so that they don't hurt their feet, and that's also why you are supposed to clean out their hooves.

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Neither. Hooves are the part of a horse's foot that are somewhat similar to a human's fingernails. You would say- that is my horse's hoof or my horse has never had a porblem with his hooves. it is never hooves horses.

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Horses have hooves.

Why don't horses hooves freeze?

Horses hooves don't freeze because they are made of a horny material . Almost like our nails on our fingers and toes . this material doesn't have any nerves so it doesn't register the coldness . Just like when a blacksmith puts shoes on horses ; They don't feel the nails going into their hooves =)

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Yes, and a horse will step on a person if they can't avoid it. Horses have fragile hooves and legs and they usually avoid stepping on people if they can do. most of the previous answer is correct though horses hooves and legs ARE NOT FRAGILE! horses hooves are as hard as bricks and they hurt like heck, their legs are pretty strong thoough they will feel pain

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Some horses benefit by having hard hooves because then when they gallop or run they don't get their frogs (soft part of their hooves) cut. So it is very beneficial for horses to have hard hooves.

Why do horses horses have hooves?

horses have hooves so their feet don't get so dirty. it also protects their feet from getting hurt

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What adaptation do horses have?

Horses have hooves, muzzle, tail, mane, and ears.

Why do quarter horses have hooves?

all horses have hooves its just naturual there cant be a horse without hooves! horses have hooves because its there adption to the ways of nature i mean you wouldn't want to go bare foot through thorn bushes, stones etc...