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Never wash hamsters. It removes oil in their skin and can cause terrible diseases such as pnuemonia (lung disease)

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Q: Can you bathe your hamster for no reason?
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Could you use sand for hamster-bedding?

NO. you can use Chinchilla sand for your hamster to bathe in though

Can hamsters use human conditioner?

don't bathe a hamster

How do you bathe your baby hamster?

A pet store will have a powder designed for this.

Why does newborn hamsters have a smell?

All hamster have a smell unless you bathe them

How many times do you need to bathe a hamster?

None! Hamsters groom themselves.

Do you have to bath a teddy bear my hamster?

Do not bathe your hamster unless a vet you trust advises you otherwise. You can brush your hamster with a soft-bristled tooth brush, but do not immerse him or her in water.

Can you give a hamster a bath one time a week?

You should NEVER give your hamster a bath. They clean themselves. If your noticing odor buy some chinchilla bath powder and just let your hamster be in it. But you never give a hamster a normal bath!

Do the hamster takes a bath?

Hamsters do not bathe in bodies of water, they groom themselves with their own tongue and paws.

Can I bathe my dog after she has been mounted?

Yes, you can bathe a dog after she was mounted. There is no reason to bathe her, however! Bathing will not affect whether she might get pregnant.

How do you know hamsters are clean?

If you have a short haired hamster like a Syrian then it cleans itself. If your hamster is long haired then you have to brush it depending on the length and thickness of its hair. Never bathe your hamster, they hate water and lick themselves to keep clean anyway.