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yes, but only if it has no egg in

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Q: Can you feed chickens uncooked bread dough?
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Related questions

How many different breads are there for chickens?

There are various types of bread suitable for chickens, but the most common ones include wheat bread, grain bread, cornbread, and millet bread. It is important to feed chickens bread in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What do you have at home to feed baby chickens?

Baby chicks can eat bread but it must be torn into small pieces

What type of food is best to feed a chicken?

Corn, or scratch grains. Do not feed this in access in the summer; feeding corn and scratch generates body heat which in turn can harm the chickens.

What do people in Asia feed their chickens?

Chickens that are kept in Asian countries usually are free roaming and live in small towns and villages, They usually feed on scraps from rubbish and left over food thrown out such as fruit, rice, bread etc.

How do you feed your chickens on minecraft?

You feed CHICKENS by right clicking them with seeds.

What do you feed small chickens?

Chickens will eat a variety of feed. Feed stores have chicken feed in bags you can buy.

Can you feed chickens there own eggs?

if you feed chickens eggs they will start eating there own eggs.

How did the us finance and prepare for World War 1?

Well, they sold cows and chickens to buy loafs of bread to feed on the military republic. I think.

Will chickens eat wheat?

Yes, bread can be given to chickens as a treat. Do not feed moldy bread to the chickens.Another answerChickens LOVE bread a lot, although you probably shouldn't feed it to them all the time - just as a treat or when you have some leftover. My chickens eat moldy bread too, with no ill affects at all.

What is the verb in you feed the chickens every day?


Can you feed chickens watermelon?


What Fruits are free range chickens okay to eat?

Most fruits are fine to feed to chickens. However, never feed your chickens any kind of citrus.