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Very,very,tightly,yes. I would definitely recommend getting a bigger tank though.

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Q: Can you have a zebra danio 3 glofish 2 snails a moss ball and 4 x-ray tetras in a ten gallon tank?
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In a 40-gallon aquarium, there are 21 neon tetras and 7 zebra danio fish. Write the ratio of neon tetras to zebra danio fish in simplest form.

What is a glofish?

A glofish is just a zebra danio that scientists put stuff in there eggs that made them neon

Are glofish tropical fish?

Yes, they do. GloFish are just genetically engineered versions of the zebra danio, which is a tropical fish.

Where do glow fish live?

GloFish are actually zebra danio fish that have been genetically modified. These fish live in rivers in India and Bangladesh.

Why is your glo fish bent?

It quite possibly has a deformed spine. This is common in very inbred fish. Your glofish is in actual fact a Zerba Danio with an added gene from a jellyfish that makes it glow.

Can you have a platy and 2 mystery snails and 3 zebra danios in a 10 gallon tank?

That tank setup is fine. In fact, you could even add 1 or 2 more zebra danio(s). It is recommended that danios live in a shoal of at least 5.

Can a tetra bay shark danio suckerfish guppy go together?

yes they can but they have to be in a ten gallon tank or 17 gallon you can fit one inch of a fish per gallon

What other fish can be put with GloFish in the same tank with out them killing each other?

Glofish are a genetically changed Zebra Danio. They are a peacefull fish and can live with just about any other species provided the other fish are not big enough to eat them.

Can you keep a kribensis 6 cardinal tetras a zebra danio 2 red platies a blue johanni cichlid a electric yellow cichlid a Singapore flower shrimp and a boesemani rainbow in a 55 gallon tank?

i know some of these wont go together but can you tell me what ones will, i just listed some fish

What kingdom phylum class order family genus and species of glow fish?

That depends if you mean the ones derived from tetras or danios. Danio variety: Kingdom-Animalia Phylum- Vertebrata Class- Osteichthyes Order- Cypriniformes Family-Cyprinidae Genus- Danio Species- Danio rerio Tetra variety: Kingdom-Animalia Phylum- Vertebrata Class- Actinopterygii Order- Characiformes Family-Characidae Genus- Gymnocorymbus Species- Gymnocorymbus ternetzi Glofish are not their own special species. They are simply a genetically modified version of natural species. The fish aren't dyed, but are simply given a gene that causes them to naturally fluoresce. It started as an experiment to try and use these fish to test for pollutants in the water, but once it was known that these fish were healthy, they'd be good pets.

Can 2 glofish live with an 1 long finned black skirt tetra in a 3 gallon tank?

No. The tank is far too small to hold more than the Glofish (genetically changed Danio malabaricus) ). A (nominal) 3 gallon tank when it has water to within an inch of the top and a couple of inches of gravel as a substrate will only be holding just over 2 gallons of water. (Glofish) Zebra Danios grow to around 1.5 inches so you will see that the 2 glowfish (Danios) add up to 3 inches by themselves. So they are too much for the tank. The Black skirt Tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) grows to over 2 inches so it would need an absolute minimum of 3 gallons of water to live in and 10 gallons is the recommended size tank for them.

What is the scientific name for Zebra Danio?

Danio rerio. it has become danio instead of brachydanio.