

Can you hold a 10 day old puppy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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yes just be careful because they are small

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Q: Can you hold a 10 day old puppy?
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NO, they have to be 8-10 weeks old.

Can you feed your 10 week old puppy regular baby formula?

For the first couple of weeks your puppy should drink it mothers milk then liquid or mashed puppy food. So yes you can feed a 10 week old puppy regular baby formula.

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It is not normal for a 10 week old puppy to shake constantly. It is a good idea to seek help from your local vet as this may be a sign of sickness.

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2 or 3 times a day and do 4 table spoons if your puppy is 4lbs etc etc.

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I have a grown dog who is very active We take two long walks a day We are bringing a 10 week old puppy home soon What should I do about walking them since the puppy shouldn't get too much exercise?

Leave him at home while you walk the big dog and play with the puppy at home.

Can you give a 10 week year old puppy a bath?

you can give a 10 week old puppy a bath BUT you have to lift their head above the water And also use a special mild puppy soap, and make sure the puppy is dried and kept warm after the bath. Human hair driers are a bad idea, they can be too hot for a dog.

Can a puppy get pregnant at 10 weeks old?

No. Puppies that young are nowhere NEAR sexual maturity. The puppy is probaby just on the chubby side.

Is it ok to feed my 10 week old puppy Natural balance Dog Food?

only if it`s puppy food by Natural balance.

Would introducing a puppy to a 10 year old dog help him get his spirit back?

Dogs live to be many ages but any dog is considered a "puppy" until 3yrs old.