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This is really not necessary. You may just get him to the milk bag. Some foals get lost trying to find it.Once the foal smells the bag, it will know what to do. Soon it will be nursing away with ease.

sometimes - people use bottles but if they wont drink out of them, put honey on the teak!

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Q: Can you teach a foal to drink from his mom?
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Mares will tend to get antsy right before foaling (ie: a few days before) and they will drip milk from their udders. I've written an article about our mares during foaling @

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A young foal drink their mother's milk. As the donkey ages, it drink water. Donkeys do not prefer hot water or freezing cold water.

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Separate it from its mom. In other words, but the foal in another pen separate from his mother. This is called weaning, by the way.

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A regular horse. Because when they are peggys, they are Black Market items.

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The mother of a foal regardless of the foals gender is called a dam.

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You don't.