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Amphibians are vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone. The skeletal system is mostly made up of bone, but also contains some smaller portions of cartilage.

Not all vertebrates have bone skeletons, Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays etc.) have skeletons made up entirely of cartilage. Amphibians however do not.

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11y ago
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7y ago

Your question a little strange - skeletons are made of bone and cartilage!

Amphibians have skeletons made of bone and cartilage just like ALL other terrestrial vertebrates.

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10y ago

They have an extreme hard skeleton

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What is the skeleton of a newborn baby made of?

They are mostly made out of cartilage. As the child ages, more and more of the cartilage ossifies (turns to bone). This process is essentially complete by age 21 or so.

As the body grows is the skeleton replaced with hard bone tissue?

The Cartilage (baby bones) join together to make the bones that you have now.

Is cartilage same as bones?

We usually differentiate between bone and cartilage. They're not the same. Cartilage is generally thought of as a type of flexible connective tissue while bone is the relatively hard skeletal framework on which the body is built.

If sharks have no bones how do they have hard bodies?

a sharks "skeleton" is made of cartilage.

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Teeth are teeth, neither cartilage or bone. But more similar to bone than cartilage.

Are sharks vertebrates or invertebrate?

Vertebrate, but its bones aren't bones they are cartilage. Bones are hard that form the skeletal structure of the body; Cartilages on the other hand, are not as hard and rigid as bones, and most commonly found on fishes, hence, the shark.They are a Vertebrate which means they have a spine.Sharks have a skeleton and that skeleton includes a spine, so they are classed as vertebrates. It's just that the skeleton is made of cartilage rather than bones.Sharks are VERTEBRATES. They do have a backbone and are fish.Sharks belong to the phylum Chordata, and subphylum Vertebrata, and are true vertebrates. Their skeleton is made of cartilage, not bone, but they have a vertebral column. Although the vertebral column is made of cartilage, it is strengthened by tesserae (crystal blocks of calcium salts) which gives it a similar toughness to the bone found in other vertebrates. Tesserae is also found strengthening the sharks jaw and gill is a vertebrate because it has a backbonesVertebrate- they have a backbone.

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As an infant grows hard bone replaces most of what?


What part of the bone is hard and dense?

compact bone. yah buddy!

Do sharks have bony skeloten?

No.Sharks have a cartilaginous skeleton.(Although very large sharks, like C. Megalodon and other extinct megatooth sharks, had vertebral centra so hard that they fossilized in a similar way as bone tissue.)

Neither a cranial nor a facial bone?

Cartilage is considered to be a hard structure in the head that is neither cranial nor a facial bone. The nose and ears are made of cartilage.

Cartilage is another name for bone?

No. Cartilage is not another name for bone. It is hard tissue like bone, but is mostly made of collagen fibers, whereas bone is mostly made of extracellular matrix that contains calcium and phosphorus.