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A Gorilla is special because it does a lot of things in the world

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3w ago

Gorillas have several special qualities that help them stay safe in their natural habitat. These include their large size and strength, which deter most predators, their keen senses that help them detect danger early, and their complex social structure that facilitates communication and cooperation within their group to defend against threats. Additionally, gorillas are known to exhibit aggressive behaviors when necessary to protect themselves and their young.

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11y ago

not really

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Q: Do gorillas have any special qualities that help it keep safe what are they?
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heyy well the answer to this question will have to be Gorillas ; Bonobos ; and oranqatans!(: happy to Help and pleasee keep all the Chimpanzee's Alivee! :D

Are gorillas rare?

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Do gorillas need trainers?

no cause they are very intelligent animals but they do need people to keep an eye on them