

Do mudskippers have gills

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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I am not sure if they sleep or not. I've surfed the internet on it and no one knows, I guess. I did find out though that they breath through gills in water and adapt to breathing air on land, so if you get one I suggest you fill the tank with half water and half soil.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Yes. Here is a very good site to buy them:

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9y ago

Yes the mudskipper fish has gills. Mudskippers use their fins to walk on land and is the only fish to do so.

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9y ago

Yes, mudskippers can live in ponds if the conditions are right. Contact your local pet and aquarium stores to see if they sell mudskippers, do not consider taking them from the wild.

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13y ago

African mudskippers usually live for between 6-11 years, if kept propperly.

Indian mudskippers usually live for between 2-5 years, also if kept propperly.

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How mud skippers move?

Mudskippers are fish and so they have gills. Once out of water their gills dry out and stick together, so mudskippers have a special cavity behind their ears where sea water is stored. As they move their eyes pressure is applied to that cavity and this reoxygenates the stored water. The gill flaps and restores gills to their normal function.

How does muddskipper get oxygen?

mudskippers have gills they dig burrows into soft damp mud and in the bottom of the burrow theirs a pool of water, they breathe in the same way as fish.

What group does the mudskipper belong to?

Fish.They have gills, dorsal fin, lower fins,everying thing that qualifies them as fish.However, they are amphibious,meaning they come onto both land water.

How did the mudskipper get its name?

Mudskippers got their name because they like to walk on mud and land. Mudskippers are amphibious fish. Mudskippers can be found in tropical and subtropical areas.

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Do mudskippers have fins?

Yes, they do.

Are mudskippers endangered?

No There Are Plenty Around

How do mudskippers eat?

Any of several fishes of the family Gobiidae, sub-family Oxudercinae, which are amphibious and can move through sediment and on land using their stiff pectoral fins.A Mudskipper is a type of 4 legged walking fish that lives both on land and sea.

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Why do Mudskippers go on land?

Because they are anphibians

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the mudskippers

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