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No, not regularly. Painted turtles eat aquatic vegetation, algae, water insects, crustaceans, and fish. Most species of turtles don't go after other turtles unless they are a aggressive turtle. Exceptions for this are Snappers and Musk turtles which are more carnivorous.

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Q: Do painted turtles try to eat little painted turtles?
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How do you get a baby Southern Painted Turtle to eat?

try giving it diffrent foods because turtles like to range from a varity of foods

Can red eared sliders mate with painted turtles?

I have researched the same question and I read that painted turtles can only procreate with other painted turtles. Red eared sliders and painted will try to have sex but cannot reproduce

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Most snakes do not eat bugs regularly and likely will not eat flies if you try and give them to them.

What type of luttuce does box turtles eat?

they don't eat iceberg lettuce, try field greens

Can painted turtles eat grass?

No. I've thought that would be obvious. Well, If they're alive and painted, then, OK.I'm not even sure if unpainted alive ones can either!--------------I don't know the answer, but the last answer was kind of stupid. The turtle isn't PAINTED with a paintbrush. It's a subspecies of turtles. Just thought that person would like to know. (:---------------Yes, painted turtles do. They also eat, apples, lettuce, banana, small fish, insects, green beans,carrots, and squash, this is just a few of the things they eat though.

How do you get a baby painted turtle to eat fruits and vegetables?

One reason why your baby turtle will not eat because newly-acquired turtles may be shy and may not eat at first. They are more likely to eat if you do not watch them so this is one case where you would not try to watch them eat, if you want-try walking away from wherever they are kept and come back to wherever they are kept in like 3-5 minutes. Your turtle also needs to be fed in water because painted turtles are aquatic and they have special tongues that only allow them to swallow food under water.

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Well, I don't know about turtles, but a dog would definatley try to eat a guinea pig.

Can red eared sliders eat coriander?

Red-eared turtles can eat cilantro. If they are not eating lettuce, you should try feeding them it.

What do red painted turtles eat?

Painted turtles are popular house pets. Most people recognize these turtles from their red and yellow markings, but when asked what do painted turtles eat most people aren't sure. Turtles are not as widely understood as dogs and cats and this can lead to confusion about feeding. Turtles are versatile animals for the most part. They can eat a wide variety of foods. There are on certain foods that must be avoided, but more on that later. The first thing to know is that what turtles eat changes as it grows. Baby Turtles When the painted turtles are juveniles they tend to be more carnivorous. This is logical as protein is essential for development of strong muscles and early brain development. Packing in excess protein when young is a turtles way of bulking up for their maturity to be more formidable animals. As the painted turtle reaches full maturity about 60% of its diet consists of vegetation and leafy greens. They will still eat protein as a regular part of their diet, but not nearly as much as when they were younger. As the muscles have become developed, it is now more important to store vitamins and nutrients from vegetation. Calcium When captive as house pets turtles will need calcium supplements. Calcium is also an important part of what painted turtles eat as this is what gives them their strong durable shell. Once a turtles shell has weakened to the point of cracking open, its only a matter of time before infection kicks in. This usually leads to premature fatality. You can buy calcium supplements at the pet store. The best supplement for painted turtles is a powder supplement that you "dust" their food with. Being a house pet your turtle will not have access to deposits, natural vegetation and other calcium sources in the wild. Calcium must be supplemented for the health of the turtle. There's the broad overview. What do painted turtles eat? There's a lot of room for personal preferences. Here's a list of the most common foods to feed the painted turtle: Proteins: -Minnows -Guppies -Snails -Earth worms -Crickets -Blood worms -Shrimp -Daphnia -Krill -Snails -Tadpoles -Cooked Beef and Chicken (small bits) Fruits and Vegetables: -Leafy Greens (Mustard, Collard, Dandelion) -Carrots -Green Beans -Squash -Sweet Potato -Apples -Bananas -Kiwi -Berries Turtle Food Pet stores sell pellet turtle and reptile foods. Most of these are fine to use as a staple for your turtles diet. It doesn't have to be the largest portion of food they get, just what they are fed in between the vegetables, fruit and protein. You may not have a constant supply of live proteins such as insects. When you run out, these foods will be there to fill in the gaps. You do not need to feed your turtle all of these different foods in a month! As time goes on, try new things so your turtle has some variety in tastes, textures and for nutrition as well. The above list just gives examples of all the different types of foods that owners feed their painted turtles. Hard foods, such as carrots should be cooked until soft and easier to digest. It is recommended that baby painted turtles be fed everyday while adults can feed every other day. Do not over feed your turtle as this leads to poor health and a weak immune system. Portions A good rule of thumb on how much to feed your painted turtle is as much as it will eat in fifteen minutes. After a fifteen minute period, if your turtle continues to eat, take away the food (unless it is sick). By that point they have had enough for one meal. Another way to look at this is to feed them a hunk of food that is the roughly the size of its neck and head. AVOID THESE There are a few things to watch out for to avoid feeding your turtle something that will give it health problems. Not everything is alright for a turtle to eat. Try to avoid feeding your painted turtle spinach. The pesticides and the nutrients in spinach is suspected for a string of intestinal track problems. This led to several turtle fatalities that went unnoticed by the owners. Leafy greens are great turtle snacks, just make sure there is no spinach. Turtles will eat spinach if you put it in front of them. Also avoid ice berg lettuce. There is very little nutritional value in iceberg lettuce. If you feed this to your turtle it won't hurt them, but it won't do them any good. fill their diet with foods that serve a purpose and make their health and condition better. Ice berg lettuce is a waste of tummy space and money. Finally, a bit of a disclaimer on the above statement about feeding your turtle cooked chicken and beef. This is not an all the time meal. Once in a while this can be done with no side effects and makes a tasty turtle treat. If you constantly feed these things to your turtle it could have adverse effects on their health and their organs. A little dab will do, so offer supermarket meats no more than once a week if at all. So to answer the question of what do painted turtles eat... a little bit of every thing. Some leafy greens and veggies, some proteins in the form of turtle pellets and/or insects and most fruits. The average adult is fed every other day, and for some every three days depending on the turtles size and age. Mix and match all these foods, but try to provide a balanced diet. Make sure in a week your painted turtle has had some protein, some vegetables and some fruit.

Would a turtle 6 inches try to eat a turtle that is 2 inches?

well it will be silly because turtles dont it other turtles they are vegiterians (plant eaters)

What turtles would do well with other fish?

It depends on the size of the fish and the turtle. Most turtles will not try an eat a fish that is larger than them. Of course no snapping turtles they will pick at larger fish untill they die.

What do baby softshell turtles eat?

Well, softshell turtles can eat small fish or insects in the water, but babies can't always eat those. You could try getting some food from a pet store if you have one as a pet, but you could also chop up small things on the water too that they possibly eat.