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No, X and Y chromosomes don't cross over during male meiosis. Otherwise there would be risk of male specific genes occurring in XX individuals.

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Q: Do the X and Y chromosomes cross over at male meiosis?
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What phases of meiosis results in the formation of four unique cells?

Through meiosis, four haploid cells/gametes are made. Haploid cells/gametes are sperm and eggs. In humans, they each have 23 chromosomes so that when they unite, a zygote is formed. Also know that the cells after that are known as diploids because they have 46 chromosomes in each cell.

What type of Roosters are there?

As many as there are breeds of chicken. Breed count recognized by clubs is well over 200 in the U.S.A. alone and growing. Cross breeds are many, many times that. Every breed, pure or cross comes in Male and female genders.

How do you make a male dog horny?

You can't make your dog mate. Your dog chooses who she/he wants to mate with. For example: My aunt tried to get her dog and my dog mate. It didn't work out because the dogs avoided eachother and didn't quite get along. My point is YOU CAN'T "MAKE" YOUR DOG MATE.

Can meiosis occur in haploid cell?

Yes, mitosis can occur in a cell of any ploidy. There will only be two daughter cells at the end of mitosis and both cells will have the same ploidy as the parent cell. (e.g. A diploid cell will go through mitosis producing 2 diploid daughter cells. A haploid cell will produce 2 haploid daughter cells at the end of mitosis.)

What do you call a lion mated with a tiger?

They are called "Ligers" they haven't been assigned a scientific name yet since they are made from unnatural cross-breeding. the can only be seen out of captivity in the Western grasslands in Asia. 40 Million Dollars!!!!

Related questions

Could crossing over occur during second meiotic division?

No, tips of homologous chromosomes cross over in Meiosis I. There are no homologous chromosomes by Meiosis I.

What exchange of genetic material between arms of homologous chromosomes?

When chromosomes cross over. (Chromal Crossover, I believe)

What is the functional role of forming tetrads in meiosis and or mitosis?

Tetrads only appear in meiosis. The tetrad is the joining of four chromosomes in prophase I of meiosis. Two male duplicated chromosomes and two female chromosomes. The most important role of tetrad formation is ' crossing over. ' This is the exchange of genetic information between the male and female chromosomes. The material, whole genes, is physically swapped between the male and female chromosomes.

Why do plants need meiosis?

Meiosis occurs in the reproductive cells to form male and female gametes. For sexual reproduction meiosis is essential. Genetic advance is achieved by crossing over in chromosomes during meiosis, hence meiosis helps in evolution of races in plants.Meiosis occurs in the reproductive cells to form male and female gametes. For sexual reproduction meiosis is essential. Genetic advance is achieved by crossing over in chromosomes during meiosis, hence meiosis helps in evolution of races in plants.

While examining a cell in prophase 1 of meiosis you observe a pair of homologous pairing tightly what is the significance of the places at which the chromosomes are joined?

Right after pro-phase one is when chromosomes cross over and join together.This occur in the meiosis process.

What happens in meiosis one that does not occur in meiosis?

the synapsis and crossing over of homologous chromosomes

What phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes cross over?

Crossing over begins early in prophase I of meiosis. At the time, homologous chromosomes Are paired along their lengths. Each gene on one homologue ia alined precisely with the corresponding gene on the other homologue. Source: my science book copy right 2006

Steps in meiosis that increase variability?

crossing over of chromosomes, indepependent segregation of chromosomes and mutations

What is it called when genes swap during meiosis?

This is the process of crossing over that happens in prophase I.

Under what circumstances would crossing over during meiosis not contribute to genetic variation among daughter cells?

when homologous chromosomes are the same. also, in the case of a double cross over.

What is an important factor in increasing variety among sexually reproducing organisms?

Because male and female cross the age of 18 they are reproducing are sex

What is the function of meiosis.?

Form of nuclear division that divides a diploid cell into haploid cells;important in forming gametes for sexual reproduction Meiosis halves the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells. It also bring about new genetic combinations by crossing over. The haploids produced by meiosis form gametes and union of male and female gametes leads to sexual reproduction.Thus meiosis is the foundation stone of sexual reproduction. Meiosis halves the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells. It also bring about new genetic combinations by crossing over. The haploids produced by meiosis form gametes and union of male and female gametes leads to sexual reproduction.Thus meiosis is the foundation stone of sexual reproduction.