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No. guinea pigs of different breeds wont fight. Some times guinea pigs are like people and they just done seem to get along with each other and some times they seem to develop strong bonds. But their breed would not determine this.

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12y ago
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12y ago

theres not really an exact amount of time they fight, it can last only a few seconds or a couple of minutes.

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Q: Do two guinea pigs of a different breed fight?
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Will 2 male Guinea pigs really fight each other?

they wont fight they have to be the same BREED and LITTER to not fight each other .

If you buy two guinea pigs females from different stores will they fight if you introduce them within a half hour?

No girl guinea pigs do not fight only males that are together will

If you have two male guinea pigs and you want to breed one with a female would they start to fight?

If you put two male guinea pigs together they will alomst certainly fight, even if you didn't want to mate them with a female.

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Is guinea pigs endenger?

no Guinea pigs are domesticated and easy to breed so their is no threat of extinction

Can you breed different breeds of guinea pigs?

Sure! Then you would just have a cross bred piggy!

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No, it is impossible for a female hamster and a male guinea pig to breed. That would be cross-breeding and you can cross-bread two different species.

How do you get a mop guinea pig?

you can either breed two mop guinea pigs (or get guinea pigs that have mop in their blood) or buy one

What age can guinea pigs babies?

The best age to breed your guinea-pigs is 5 months to a year old.