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If you put two male guinea pigs together they will alomst certainly fight, even if you didn't want to mate them with a female.

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Q: If you have two male guinea pigs and you want to breed one with a female would they start to fight?
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How do I introduce a new female guinea pig to my existing male?

put them together and if the start to fight take them away ASAP!

Is my one year old guinea pig to old to breed?

Yes, I would say that eight weeks is a bit too young to start breeding your guinea pig. I would suggest waiting until your guinea pig is about four months old to start the breeding process. Otherwise, if you start breeding your guinea pig too early, there are multiple complications that could arrise that might affect the health of the mother of fetus(s).

How old do female guinea pigs have to be to get them pregnant?

Male guinea-pigs can start mating when they are as young as 3 weeks old, although it is recommended that you make sure they been bred by six months old to make them a breeder.Female guinea pigs can start having babies when they are three months old, however, it is highly recommended that you don't mate them when they are over a year old, due to pelvis bone fusion. A female guinea pig any older than a year old will have a dead litter before she will be able to produce a live litter.

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Use a ditto. Or you can get a female at the start if you make a female instead of a male person.

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Do female hamsters smell when in heat?

yes I have a hamster his name is sugar. and sometimes he can smell really bad. Yes female hamsters smell when in heat. If you aren't sire of it's gender you should get it checked by a local veterinarian, but if it is a male and it stinks don't freak out he might just need to have his cage cleaned. If it is a female then you know it is in heat, female hamsters go into heat about every 3-4 days. If you have a male and want to breed them the only time she will except him is when she is in heat. I have to hamsters male and female and I'm trying to breed them. If you want to breed them then watch them when you put them together and have something ready if they start to fight. If they start to fight slam the paper in between them to stop the fight. If they do great together you can start putting them together in different periods of time. If your hamster is in heat it is best not to hold her unless you are planning to breed. And yes she will still go into heat after she has the babies. Female Syrian hamsters are in gestation for about 16 days and Dwarf hamsters are in gestation for about 18-21 days. I hope my answer helped you if need more answers do some research it helped me a lot.

Why does a male guinea pig start eating all of his droppings?

Both male and Female guinea pigs sometimes eat their droppings. the reason is that their poop contains minerals that are helpful to the guinea pig.

What is the oldest age that a female cat can safely have kittens?

This varies by breed but with any breed the litters will start to get smaller as the cat becomes older.

When is the best time to breed a female dog?

Female dogs "go into heat" randomly, about twice a year. You should not breed her until she is about 3 years old, and you should have her checked out by a vet before you start.

Will a female guinea pig mate if she is already pregnant?

No a boar will not breed a pregnant sow. She has to be in heat for him to breed her which occurs every 21 days. Boars will hump female pigs and even other males, in fact piglets can start the humping behavior as early as a couple days old.

When are parakeets sexually mature?

You will know when your parakeets (male and female only) want to mate when they start to get along with each other. The male will start to respect the female and began feeding her. This is also a sign for breeding. Enjoy breeding your parakeets! Trust me, it's a LOT of fun!

Can you breed your 1 and a half year old guinea pig?

Well, females become mature at 4 weeks old, BUT THIS IS NOT A SAFE TIME TO BREED! You should probably breed it at, at least 4 to 5 months. If you breed it at 8 to 10 months than it can kill mother and babies, because the pelvic bones begin to fuse