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This varies by breed but with any breed the litters will start to get smaller as the cat becomes older.

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Q: What is the oldest age that a female cat can safely have kittens?
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Is a two year old cat too young to have kittens?

No. Any cat over one year of age(that is a female) can have kittens.

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Jeanne Calment was the oldest person in the world, reaching the age of 122 years and 164 days before she passed away in 1997.

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The female Bobcat raises the kittens alone. They stay with the mother until about the one year of age.

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Oldest Cat to Give Birth: In 1987 a domestic cat, named Kitty, give birth to two kittens at the age of 30 years. **Courtsy of: ** Dorling Kindersley, 1995

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As of May 2010, the oldest living female from the United States is Eunice Sanborn, who was born on July 20, 1896 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. The oldest American female of all time was Sarah Knauss, who was born on September 24, 1880 and died on December 30, 1999 at the age of 119 years 97 days.

When to spay a cat after having kittens?

It is ideal to spay the kitten before five or six months of age, as female kittens can become sexually mature between the ages of six and nine months, although some mature as early as four months old.Female kittens usually come into heat for the first time when she is around 6 months old, although some kittens can have her first heat as young as 4 months. The best age to get her spayed is between 4 and 6 months old.

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Whats the oldest age of a person?

The oldest age is 114

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What is the ideal age for cat to have kittens?

1 year

When ragdoll kittens were just born how old are they?

They are newborns. Their age isn't behind that of other kittens right at birth.