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No, you don't need any special apparatus to feed a baby kitten. I would suggest a 2 oz. baby bottle. I would stick a pin in a baby bottle nipple and make the hole a little bigger. If you can't find any cat milk, use goat milk. That's easier to find in stores.

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Q: Do you need a special bottle to feed kittens with?
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Your cat had kittens a week and one day ago today she ate one is this normal should you take the other kittens from her?

It is not uncommon for a cat to eat one of its kittens, especially if it was a stillborn or appeared weak. Monitor the remaining kittens closely for any signs of distress or neglect from the mother. If you notice any concerning behavior, such as continued cannibalization or lack of care for the kittens, it may be best to separate them and provide care yourself or seek assistance from a veterinarian.

Is it normal for my cat that just had kittens to be sitting away from them but in the same room and will she feed them?

It is normal for a mother cat to take breaks from her kittens, especially if she is feeling stressed or anxious. She should still be feeding them regularly, but if you are concerned, monitor the kittens to make sure they are getting enough milk and are healthy. If you notice any signs of distress or if the kittens are not nursing, consult a veterinarian.

Can you feed baby rabbits from a bottle?

Yes, you can feed baby rabbits from a bottle using a specialized kitten milk replacement formula. It's important to make sure the formula is at the correct temperature and that the baby rabbit is in the correct position to prevent aspiration. Consult with a veterinarian for guidance on proper feeding techniques.

How long will a cat mourn her kittens?

If the kittens die, or are taken away by humans, it can be very saddening to the mama cat, and will take a long time to get over it. If she only loses one kitten, she will take care of her other kittens. But if its all of her kittens, then she will probably grieve herself to death. She can, actually. If she has another litter of kittens, she might abandon them. Who knows; she might even take care of them. Cats are usually predictable, but sometimes, this can be VERY UNpredictable. So, you never really know. You just have to try it and see. But I would be careful. If you were to take kittens from a mama cat, forever, then you might want to take them at six weeks or older. If you can't do six weeks or older, than do at least four weeks. If they are younger than that, you must leave them with their mama, or feed them warm milk in a bottle. I can give you more information about taking care of cats if you need it. I'll tell you on the Discussion Page.

Why do kittens need to eat food that is labeled specifically for kittens?

Kittens need large amounts of energy. About two to three times more than an adult cat. Kittens also need a lot of protein. Make sure the food you offer is made for kittens. Your pet will need to eat kitten-formula food until she reaches maturity, at about one year of age.

Related questions

What if a pregnant cat does not produce milk?

Then you will have to bottle feed the kittens or get another cat with kittens to do it. You can ask a vet if you need kitten formula. A pregnant cat will usually not show milk until soon before she gives birth.

What can you feed kittens that are 2 days old?

By far the best food for tiny kittens is their mother's milk. They need nothing else. If for some reason the mother isn't present, you must either quickly find another nursing female cat who can take on more kittens (your local animal shelter may have some), or buy some KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) from your vet. Your vet will be able to show you how to bottle feed kittens. Such tiny kittens will need to be fed at least every hour around the clock, and will also need to be stimulated to produce waste after every feed.

Female cat dies leaves 1 week old kittens?

You would have to bottle feed them every two hours with a special milk made just for kittens found at any pet store. they also would need to be kept on top of heating pad with a blanket. and make shure that yougive teme constant love and care.

Can you take kittens in for a night?

Yes, but the mother should be with them. If no mother, you will need to bottle feed. Use only kitten formula-- not people milk. Kittens are fed every couple hours. They may not suck well from a bottle. You can SLOWLY drop milk into their mouth from a dropper or syringe. Make sure they do not choke.

What are some things that kittens eat?

Young kittens should be fed milk, either by the mother or from a bottle. Once they begin to grow teeth they need to be fed soft food first, and then dry food if you wish to feed them dry food as an adult.

What are some things that eat?

Young kittens should be fed milk, either by the mother or from a bottle. Once they begin to grow teeth they need to be fed soft food first, and then dry food if you wish to feed them dry food as an adult.

What formula do you feed a one day old kitten?

A one day old kitten needs to be fed (i am assuming it has been orphaned) with a baby bottle for kittens. Usually a 60ml bottle, with a nipple on the top. You either need to go buy some special kitten milk formula. Your vet will be able to give you some. Put it in the bottle and warm up the bottle to match the kitten's body temperature. Test it on your hand and then hold the kitten upright and hold its head up and place the nipple into its mouth. Be sure to give it a break every now and then so it will not choke. Such young kittens need feeding and helping it pass waste at least every hour, including throughout the night.

What pups or kittens need babysitting?

Their mothers will feed them if they are very young. But the mother needs food, water and exercise.

Should a really thin cat be taken from her nursing kittens?

No, the kittens need all the milk they can get. Just feed her better food and help her not be so thin. You can help by nursing the kittens yourself as well at intervals if they are still hungry, but the kittens should NOT be separated from their mother, especially when you can help them.

My cat had 3 little kittens and they are all stuck to the placenta what do I do?

If the mother is not licking them clean, she may be in distress. Worry first about the kittens. You have to work quickly or they will suffocate. Take a wet wash cloth and gently wipe then with it with the grain of their fur until the placenta comes away. If the mother will not lie with them, place them under a towel (warm it in the dryer for a few minutes if you can), and place a warm water bottle or a heating pad set on low, under a towel in a box. You may need to bottle feed them too if the mother remains in distress. Keep an eye on the distressed mother. If she becomes aggressive with them, separate them from her and prepare to bottle feed them every two to four hours. They will let you know when they need to eat.

When is it necessary to feed a baby kitten with a baby bottle?

You don't bottle feed your kitten at all, if your kitten has a mother, it will naturally drink its mother's milk. Better answer: If you absolutely needed to bottle feed a kitten you could give it "Hartz precision nutrition milk replacer for kittens", or any other brand of kitten milk replacer. Try to let the baby nurse on mom for at least two days though before trying to bottle feed, and never forget a baby kitten cant use the bathroom on its own, so you need to use a warm wet rag and gently rub genitals to help it eliminate. At 5 weeks you shouldn't have to help it go potty anymore. Many people try bottle feeding baby kittens or puppies and then wonder why the baby dies, and it is normally because the owner does not know you have to help them go potty. I really hope this helped! :)

How often do you give a kitten or a cat milk?

It depends.. The age of the kitten is important.. Kittens can get milk.. it just depends on how old they are. 3 months is the right time you can feed them milk if they are suppoted on their mother's milk. However.. if the kitten does not have a mother, it is encourged that they are to have milk. You are welcome!! -Amber <><><><> Many cats and kittens have trouble digesting cow's milk- upset tummy. There are milk replacements you can get from a vet if you need to nurse an orphan kitten- but would pass on cow's milk. Remember, they are kittens, not calves.