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This was not a good technique to use for any disease. It often caused more harm that help in patients.

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Q: Do you suppose bloodletting by leeches was a good technique to cure psychosomatic illnesses?
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What did the Victorian public think of leeches as medicinal?

The use of leeches in medicine dates 2,500 years, when they were used for bloodletting in ancient India An imbalance in the proportions in the four humors; blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile, was believed to cause ill-health. The practice of bloodletting with leeches was believed to correct it.

In the 19th century who was known for using bloodletting and leeches in medical procedures?

medical doctors.-ENGLISH12 APEX

What medical practices were common in the dark ages?

During the Dark Ages, medical practices were influenced by superstition and a lack of scientific understanding. Bloodletting, using leeches to remove blood, was a common treatment for various illnesses. Herbal remedies, such as the use of plants and botanicals, were prevalent. Surgery was performed, but without anesthesia or proper sterilization, making it a risky and painful procedure.

What was bloodletting in Rome?

Bloodletting was a medical practice of making little cuts on a sick person to have them bleed. It was thought that the sickness was in the blood so doctors "let out the blood." Leeches were also used for this purpose and it wasn't only Rome that did this but doctors everywhere did it up to the 19th century.

Was bloodletting used on George Washington?

Yes, in Washington's day it was a common belief that if you were ill, removing some of your blood would make you better. There are some sources that believe bloodletting (which was often done by using leeches) weakened Washington's immune system and contributed to his ultimate death from pneumonia.

Are bloodletting and cupping the same thing?

No. While I am unsure of the actual techniques, bloodletting involves removing blood from the body, such as with leeches, and cupping involves some process of using a small glass cup and heat to pull blood to just beneath the skin. I don't think either is used in modern medicine.

Who used bloodletting and leeches in medical procedures?

doctors and so-called doctors used this procedure to 'cure" people, thank goodness we have come a long way since those days.

How did blood letting help the sick people in the Middle Ages?

They believed that the blood carried poisons and disease throughout the body so by bloodletting either with small cuts or leeches they thought the body would make new blood free of the poisons. In some cases DOctors use leeches today but I don't think it is for bloodletting.

What is bleeding somebody in the middle ages?

Blood letting was a popular treatment for many illnesses. Many illnesses were thought to be caused by an excess of blood in the body. If a large amount of blood letting was required a vein was cut. For small amounts leeches were used.

What is a leech collector?

Yes I know a leech collector doesn't sound that pleasant but they play a very important role in medievalEurope. Leeches are very helpful in the medicinal uses in bloodletting. Bloodletting is believed to return the patient to general good health. Doctors put leeches on the patient's skin and each leech can suck several times its original body weight in blood to help make the patient better. See, what they do is they wade into leech infested waters, often ponds. They have to allow them to attach themselves to our bare legs and about 2,500 leeches can be gathered per day it's a pretty creepy way, aye? They are thought to be a cure for just about everything from headaches to brain congestion, obesity, haemorrhoids, eye disorders and mental illness.

What illnesses do leeches cure?

They don't cure anything. In fact they hurt you. The suck your blood and can cause an infection. Plus most are in cold waters and you cant feel them because they have a speacial venom. Don't use it. IN THE OLD TIMES THE USED LEECHES TO TRY TO TAKE AWAY BAD BLOOD FROM PEOPLE! THE PEOPLE DIED!

Do leeches have arms?

No, leeches are limbless.