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yes it does

Another person here. Now, it could mean that, but not necessarily. Dogs, even spayed/neutered occasionally will hump other dogs over dominance. I have three spayed females, and they do it. It's not sexual interactions to them, just asserting their dominance. However, if she is doing it more to male dog, and she is bleeding, then she is most likely in heat. The best thing to do is watch her, keep her on a leash if she is bleeding, and put some sort of dog, or baby diapers on her. Be with her during all this time if you do not want puppies. You can also get your dog spayed. If she continues, and is not bleeding, then she is asserting her dominance. However, if it is with strange dogs, I advise to keep her away from them.

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Q: Does it mean your dog is going in heat if she starts humping dogs?
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Humping, when not in mating season, is a sign of dominance. Dogs will do it to anything they believe is below them in the pack order - including the cat.

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Dogs will exhibit dominant behavior by humping both male and female dogs, but it is not a form of sexual orientation. The humping is usually only a mock intercourse with no penetration involved. It does not involve attraction or a relationship. Even male dogs that exhibit dominant behaviors will still mate with a female in heat.

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they have periods but then it is called going into heat

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Dogs never stop going on heat, although the amount of blood lost can reduce.

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An ambiguous question. How young? And what do you mean by going crazy?

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All dogs heat runs for 3 weeks......1 going in, 1 in, and 1 going out of heat.

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By one person humping another and they provide heat and babies!

What are some signs that from a young male that is around a young female dog going into heat?

Female dogs will have light bleeding before going into heat. Males will be smelling them all the time.

Can you use turpentine on a female dog to prevent her from going into heat?

No, this is a myth. Turpentine is a solvent that is toxic to dogs.

Is there a product one can purchase that can let you know when you dog is in heat?

No I`m sorry there`s not,just watch your dog`s private, when she starts to swell then she going in heat.

Is there anyway to stop a dog going on heat?

Unless you want your dog for breeding, please get her spayed! Spaying the dog stops her from going in heat. Also if you do not, 50% of female dogs that have not had puppies and are not spayed get Pyometra, a disease of the uterus.

How long willyour Sharpei dog be in heat?

If the female dog has a normal heat cycle, it last 21 days.