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Q: Does the male or female robbin bird build the nest?
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How is the male bower bird's behavior a helpful adaptation?

The ability to build an elaborate structure is an indication to the female of how fit the male is.

How can you distinguish a female bird from a male bird?

Mostly a female bird has less color and the male bird is more colorful.

What does it mean when your female bird climbs on your male birds back?

It means that the female birds wants to be where the male bird is.

What is a female bird?

Normally a female bird has duller colors than a male bird of it's type =)

Does the male bird attracts the female bird?

yes they have to sing!

What animal will be produce if male bird and female bird unites?


What is Plural form of bird?

male and female

Is peafowl a female peacock?

Peafowl is the entire species. A peacock is the male bird and a peahen is the female bird.

Is woodpecker a male bird?

Male and female, that's how nature works.

What if a male bird does not find a shiny objects?

In some species of bird, mating rituals involve the acquisition of glittery, shiny, or interesting objects by the male as a gift to the female. This is used as a competition by the males to secure the attentions of the female. If a male bird does not find a shiny object, then the female will choose a different male who has.

How do you know if a bird is a male or female?

you looke at its thing................

How do you tell a bird is male or female?

By their pick there are difernt