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Yes there has been venomous snake bites within the bay state. Two infact, there was a Timber Rattlesnake bite in Sheffield, MA. There was also a Northern Copperhead bite in Springfield, MA. Neither of the people that were bitten died.

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Q: Has there ever been a venomous snake bite in Massachusetts?
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What to do for a corn snake bite?

do nothing it's not a venomous snake :)

Is snake bite bad for you?

Yes. Even if it's not a venomous snake.

Do snakes bite people badly?

how badly a snake bite is depends on the species of snake and its size. a bite from a venomous snake will be much worse then a bite from a non-venomous snake. bites from non-venomous snakes will consist of either punctures or scratches, the amount and size depending on the size of the snake. a small snake might not be able to break threw your skin, but a large snake could easily cause bleeding. the only risk from these is getting an infection. a venomous snake bite can be very serious and even deadly. a hospital visit is usually required to treat bites from venomous snakes.

Can a LAMB die from a snake bite?

it depends how venomous the snake is. But yes, most venomous snakes can kill a lamb.

Can a 'Corn Snake' kill you?

No - Corn Snakes are not venomous - or large enough to constrict you.

How does a sidewinder snake kill its prey?

With venom. It has a venomous bite.

Does a rat snake bite with fangs?

No, they will bite but rat snakes are not venomous and they lack the two fangs seen in venomous species, a bite from any rat snake can be rather painful, as the saliva of the snake may contain bacteria causing an infection that must be treated.

Snake bite first affects?

A snake bite first affects the blood stream and the area immediately around the bite. If the snake is venomous, a raised infected area may raise up around the bite.

What is something that is usually done directly following a snake bite?

incision of wound!!!^^WRONG ! If you suspect you have been bitten by a venomous snake - the initial treatment is to immobilize the bite area, and apply a pressure bandage ! (Snakester1962)

Can you pick up a black rat snake?

They are not venomous, but will bite to defend themselves.

Is a dead snake a safe snake?

No, the nervous system of a snake can cause it to still move (and bite) even after it is dead. Never pick up a dead venomous snake with your hands, it could potentially still bite you.

How long is a bite from venomous snakes till death?

Depends on the breed of snake which bites you.