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That is not true. My dog was bred with dogs that loved to swim, and he hates it, we can only get him one inch in the water! Don't believe those people, they aren't correct. If you want him to swim, take him to a dog friendly area with water, or set up a baby pool in your backyard. Anywhere that has a little water and is quiet is a good way to take him out of his scaredness. If you hold him in the water (or try to, if he is a big dog) he should be much more comtfrable in the water, also try keeping his leash on. You can also take private swimming lessons for him. I hope this helps!

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Q: Help my dog can't swim help everyboy tells me that all dogs have an instint to know how to swimwell mine doesnt he literally sinks after about 10 seconds plus his peterfied of water please help?
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How do you get your cat to be more active?

Owning a rabbit is very tedious. First you need it obviously to be weaned from it's mom Then you need to measure a rabbit's food. You can find measurements on line. NEVER free feed a rabbit. Some rabbits will eat as they please but others will see food and just eat it even if they are not hungry. Use juvenile rabbit food for young rabbits. Also don't buy food that has more than 17% fat in it. Then you need to buy hay as part of their daily diet. Alfalfa is sort of okay for young rabbits but older rabbits should defiantly use timothy hay. Alfalfa is a bit fattening. You need to fill fresh cold water every day for them. Always dump out any leftover pellets in the morning from the previous day. Dump the water on a plant or something. Put your measured amount of food in a bowl and fill up the water bottle. Also have a chew stick. If rabbits don't chew their teeth will grow too far out of their head and it can hurt. Every week or so you should scrub the food bowl, water bottle, and cage with water and vinegar.Now you need to buy the right kind of bedding. Saw dust does not work. Do not buy the first rabbit bedding bag you see. Take a look. I think the best is Soft Sorbent by Kaytee, it really works with destroying ammonia odor. Ammonia order can kill a rabbit if not taken care of. Ammonia Odor comes with their urine and does not smell great at all. That is a good reason why you should change your rabbit bedding weekly. I had my rabbit cage in my room and it was fine. It may smell like ceder or wood or something, but not too bad. Anyway, Soft sorbent is great and doesn't look tacky.RABBITS NEED EXERCISE! They don't want to be stuck i n their cage for all day and night without any freedom. You can buy rabbit leashes and play yards, so they can run around. But before you set your rabbit outside, you need to gather up any leaves or anything in the play yard there are many many plants poisonous to Rabbits. And don't leave your rabbit free and un- supervised hawks and other animals would love to have rabbit for dinner. Lighter colored rabbits are easier to see. And rabbits are very curious creatures. This might sound weird but don't put too much trust in a rabbit. 2 hours of exercise would be awesome, even longer would be good.You can even kill a rabbit by holding it. Hold it the wrong way and its neck could snap. Hold it the right way but too loose it could jump out and hurt itself. So for little rabbits holding it with your hand under its bum so it can't hop out and the other hand over it's upper back would be great. Sorry! I'm not sure about larger rabbits and i don't want to tell you the wrong thing.Also do more research on line. This is not even close to all you need to do to own a rabbit you still need to know what cage too get, what breed would suit you, the grooming requirements,and how easily they can outsmart you, and much more. These are absolutly things you need to know. There is lots more about the things i did write that will explain more, but i don't want to drag on. Really think hard about owning a rabbit. So many more need- to- know things.Remember, i am not an expert.Source:Past rabbit owner

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