

How are frogs different than koalas?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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Not a lot.

However, they are both vertebrates with an internal skeleton, and they both have skin. They can also move in hopping or leaping movements. The adult frog breathes air using its lungs, like a kangaroo.

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10y ago

The two "Bears" are entirely different. The Koala is actually a Marsupial, therefore is is more closely related to the Kangaroo, Oppossum, and Wombat, than the Polar Bear! Koalas only weigh about 20 pounds, while Polar Bears weigh well over 1000 pounds. Koalas live in the Southern Hemisphere, Polar Bears live around the Arctic Circle. Polar Bears are the largest Bear living today.

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10y ago

First of all, frogs are what is called "ectotherms", meaning that they are cold blooded, and require a heat source outside of their body. Koalas are what is called "endotherms", meaning that they are warm blooded, and can create heat internally. Second, Frogs are what is called "Oviparous" meaning that they lay eggs. Koalas are viviparous, meaning that the young develops inside the body and is live birthed. Koalas are Mammals, while frogs are Amphibians. Koalas are herbivores, frogs are carnivores, and more specifically "insectivores." These are the main big, can't miss differences. Though there are thousands of tiny differences I could write a book on.

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13y ago

A frog is a amphibian and a fish is a fish

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