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Your Oscar can not get pregnant. It is an egg layer. It will not be adult or mature until it is around 6 inches long.

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Q: How can I tell if my Oscar fish pregnant?
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You wouldn't ever be able to tell this, because carp fish do not get pregnant. Pregnancy implies carrying the young internally, which carp do not do.

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Oscar fishes breed is Oscar

Where can you catch Oscar fish?

Oscar fish can be caught in the canals of Southern Florida.

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Goldfish of any type are all egg laying fish which means that they do not get pregnant

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With a guppy you need to look at the gravid spot. This is a dark spot in the fish's belly. A large gravid spot indicates the fish is likely to be pregnant. You can tell how pregnant the fish is by how large the spot is. Sorry I have no experience with other species.

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Not totally sure but if the black Oscar is bigger that could be the reason

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Orandas, or any other type of goldfish are egg laying fish, so they do not get pregnant

Will your Oscar fish die in saltwater?

Yes. The oscar is a freshwater fish, and cannot tolerate saltwater.

Are Oscar fish the smartest fish?

No,But their smart

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