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A biologist can use his skills and talents to help the government solve societal problems related to economics. They can address issues related to economics with a focus on preserving natural capital and ecosystems.

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1mo ago

Governments can maximize biologist skills by funding research in areas that address pressing societal problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and public health. Providing resources for collaboration among biologists across different disciplines and supporting education and training opportunities can also help in utilizing their talents to find solutions to these challenges. Additionally, creating policies that prioritize evidence-based decision-making and incorporating scientific expertise into policymaking processes can enhance the impact of biologists on addressing societal issues.

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13y ago

they should trained them well and in the future if they are trained well the government can consult them

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Q: How can biologist skills and talents be maximized by the government to help solve societal problems?
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What kind of communication occurs within an animal societal unit?

There is a lot of communication that occurs within an animal societal unit. This communication is mostly nonverbal types of communication.

Scientists have cloned sheep but have not yet cloned a humanthe best explanation for this situation is?

Cloning humans raises ethical concerns around autonomy, identity, and exploitation that do not apply to cloning animals. There are also safety and efficiency concerns related to human cloning that have not been fully addressed. Additionally, international regulations and societal consensus on human cloning are not well-established.

What does Ariel Levy say in her chapter Pigs in Training?

Ariel Levy's chapter Pigs in Training is all about the over sexualization of young girls. That there is a societal view that young girls have to be the sexiest or 'skankiest' girl at school to get the attention of boys. They seem to be praised for it by their peers.

By which nickname is the decade of the sixties sometimes known?

The sixties are sometimes known as the "Swinging Sixties" due to the era's cultural and social revolution, characterized by youth-driven movements, shifting societal norms, and vibrant creativity in music, fashion, and art.

I want to eat dog In America?

Eating dog meat in the United States is illegal in all 50 states due to animal cruelty laws and societal norms. If you are looking for alternative sources of protein, there are many sustainable and ethical options available.

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