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It can sometimes be hard to tell if they very young. The females will usually be smaller (if they all were born a the same time). If you have a good eye try to look a the anal fin, the one that is on the bottom toward the tail. Males will have a shorter one that is pointed and usually retracted toward the body. Females will have one that is a bit bigger and it will be like the other two fins on the belly. When the males get bigger there tail will start to extend on the bottom tip of the fin, which will eventually turn into a long "sword".

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Q: How can you tell the difference in baby sword tails fish?
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Although they may not kill other fish it is not a good idea to put them in a tank with other fish with flowy tails such as guppys or sword tails. The take the tails as another male betta and will be very aggressive towards them causing stress and illness and possible death.

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One has a shell and its gills are under their shell. But regular fish have gills next to their mouths and have tails and swim around. Also I think shellfish have legs or no legs but I don't believe that shellfish have tails but regular fish have no shell and a tall.

Which is faster a blue fin tuna or a sword fish?

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What are baby swordfish babies called?

well is theory many people believe that swordfishes can be called many different thing like baby or maybe even babyswordfish maybe even baby with a sword or fish with a sword or even baby sword some people in opposite universes call it hsifdrowsybab for short =p =p =p =b

Do zebra fish lay eggs?

Not all tropical fish lay eggs. Some, such as tiger barbs and daninos do lay eggs, while others such as guppies and sword-tails give live birth.

Are sword fish fish?


Is a sword fish the fastest water animal?

The fastest water animal is the dolphin, but the fastest fish is the sail fish, not a sword fish.

When and where was the birth of the sword fish?

The sword fish came into being in the beginning of time in Eden.

How does a sword fish attack?

The sword fish attacks by lunging its long nose (the "sword" of the fish) at the predator or prey. It basically stabs at the victim to wound it or scare it away.