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Sometimes it is very hard to distinguish between a species where there is a lot of variation between that of a variation that is actually two separate species. Many times scientist disagree on how to tell these two things apart.

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Q: How could you distinguish between a species in which there is a lot of variation and two separate species?
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Within a species, the animals breed together so that the similar characteristics are passed from parents to their offspring. This is why there is less variation within a species than between a species.

What is the difference between a variation and a mutation?

mutation is an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of a gene whereas variation is any difference between individuals of a particular species.

What are specific examples of variation within a species?

Human species, as in the variation in height.

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Variation of a species can come about in many ways, but mutation is the major cause of variation in a species.


The white lion is only a rare color variation of the regular lion and not considered a separate species.

Differences between organisms of the same species are known as?

Homologous structures. ps go to who's the and click on the pie button

What is the definition for variation?

Any difference between two indivisuals of the same species For example: Eye colour, Hair colour etc is called Variation

What are variation?

gray wolves variation trait

What is the difference between anatomical anomaly and biological variation?

Biological variation is much wider term. It takes place at the level of species while anatomical anomaly means a anatomicaly different individual within species.

Is there a rare breed of white tiger?

No. White tigers are a rare but naturally occurring variation of (usually) the Bengal tiger. As such, they're not considered as a separate species.

Any differences between individuals of the same species?

Of course - look at the many differences existing between the human race.