

How do animals use iron?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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Haemoglobin being chief constituent of blood; is present in almost all animal beings. Haemoglobin contains protein, globin and a complex organic compound consisting of iron, nitrogen ,carbon ,oxygen and hydrogen.

Therefore, without iron you cannot imagine of animals!

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8y ago
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11y ago

Probably the most widely known (and an extremely important) use of iron in humans is to transport oxygen from the lungs to tissue throughout the body. Red blood cells are full of the protein hemoglobin, which contains four groups of porphyrin rings that each hold onto an iron molecule, which in turn can form a bond with O2 (as well as other gases, like carbon monoxide).

Of course, iron is used to perform a wide variety of other biological functions. Perhaps the most widely known alternative use of iron is in biological nitrogen fixation, where the unique electronic properties of the metal is used to break apart the extremely strong N2 triple bond (only some bacteria have the ability to do this).

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15y ago

Its required to make hemoglobin ... red blood.

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Pidgeons use magnetism to find their way home

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Why is iron important to animals?

Iron deficiency in humans and animals can cause symptoms such as weakness, lethargy, depression, slowed growth, rapid breathing, anorexia and susceptibility to disease.