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You don't. There are very few people well trained enough to do this accurately and safely.

The process involves squeezing the vent of the chick just at the right pressure to invert the tiny cloaca. Too much pressure and permanent damage is done and the chick does not survive.

After years of breeding hundreds of chicks I will not do this and most certainly a novice breeder would be ill advised to make the attempt.

A better way to find out the gender of the bird is to wait a few weeks and watch for larger, brighter combs and wattles forming. Males will also show more precociousness than their sisters. A startled cockerel will chirp a warning and ofter stand his ground while the females will crouch silently or run to a corner sooner than the males.

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14y ago

It depends on the breed and your expertise, or the expertise of the supplier. Chickens can be sexed by careful manipulation and inspection of the vent as day-olds. But it is skilled work. Some breeds are auto-sexing - cocks and hens have different down colours at hatch. These 2 facts are why you can buy sexed day-old chicks. If you wait for obvious signs in a poult, the age they become sexable varies with breed as they grow differently, and it also depends on how familiar you are with them. Somewhere around 8-12 weeks you should be confident enough to be able to sex them.

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Q: How do i tell a hen from a rooster as soon as they hatch?
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If an egg hatches only when the hen mates with a rooster otherwise the laid eggs never hatch. What is the purpose of hen laying eggs regularly if it is not meant to hatch?

The act of laying the egg is natures way of ensuring that IF the hen is mated she can produce chicks. In the wild a hen may not have a rooster available at all times but will be capable of reproduction on the chance meeting of a rooster.

Will an egg laid without a rooster present develop into a chick?

If a hen is in with NO rooster, and lays an egg, then that egg is infertile and cannot hatch.

How old to breed hen?

Most hens will begin laying eggs at 6 months of age. If you want to hatch these eggs the hen must have been with a rooster. There is no danger in breeding a hen too early unless the rooster is overly agressive.

Is a fryer a rooster or a hen?

their is no such thing as a hen rooster, a hen is rooster is a male chicken, and a hen is a female chicken.

Is a fryer a hen or rooster?

their is no such thing as a hen rooster, a hen is rooster is a male chicken, and a hen is a female chicken.

How do you tell a rooster from a hen before it born?

the colors are different.

My hen and rooster are very young the hen has only started laying is it too soon for the eggs to be fertilized?

They eggs will be fertilized about a week after the rooster consistantly starts to mount the female.

Is a rooster and a hen the same?

A rooster is the male and the hen is the female .

How hen differs from rooster?

The rooster is the male, the hen is the female.

What is opposite gender for a rooster?

Hen. A rooster is a chicken of the male gender, so the opposite (in gender) is the female, or hen.

How do you tell if a georiga ganit bobwhite is a rooster or a hen?

Look at the related answers.

What are male and female chickens called?

Female=hen, Male=rooster