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first of all i do not understand the terms of a cat with blue and white swimming trunks dont dress up your pets they are animals they have feeling like us humans . Back to your topic first of all you need to know the gender you dont want to get a mix up if there are two are girls or boys ok, first of all you can't controll the cats feelings and they cant get married if one is netured or spayed but here is the catch if you want a cat to be pregnate the girl andboy has to be in heat they suffer from this to 5-6 months old and they growl and meow and they love you alot and give you attention and they will do anything to go outside so they can mate and after one day or less or more the cat comes back pregnate and you need to make sure you can handle a litter cause a cat can give birth to 3-10 or 12 kittens so its a big job and to let you know some mother cats eat their own children so good luck but you cant force your cat to marry a cat that you want them to mate with it takes time but some times in a procedure when a cat wants to mate it does not be in heat if your cat comes back(this is for girl) looking like she is a fatty she is pregnate but a male could go missing for up to 1 day or more/less but if he does this more than once then its etheir there spending time with the wife or with anoter female cat so cats need to be attracted to each other so yeah you cant have a cat marrying someone you want who knows she or he might mate with someone elese but be happy for your cat wether they are married or not but they need plent of attention. hope this helps

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