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Dogs do not have cramps when they are in heat. It is not a menstrual cycle like humans have. It is a time when the female dog is getting ready to ovulate and become pregnant if bred by a male dog. It happens approximately every 6 months and last about 2-3 weeks. The best thing you could do for your dog is to have her spayed. It will cut down the many risks of cancer that an intact female has such as mammary cancer, pyometria, other infections of the uterus, perianal tumors, etc. Talk to your Veterinarian about this.

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11y ago

Dogs do not have periods or pms. They go into heat (the only time they can conceive) approximately every 6 months, this is the time that they ovulate & can get pregnant.

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Heat exhaustion This is the loss of vital electrolytes which help contraction of muscles, these being potassium, sodium and magnesium.

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Prompt treatment for heat cramps is usually very effective with the individual returning to activity thereafter.

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